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2020-11-15 04:05:01



1. 花费expense

2. 消费模式pattern of consumption

3. 生活用品household items

4. 医疗保健health care

5. 休闲娱乐entertainment


1. 随着经济和社会的发展,人们有能力在教育上投资,从而用知识来武装自己。

As our economy develops rapidly, citizens nowadays can afford to invest in education to equip themselves with knowledge.

2. 人们喜欢在空闲时间旅游和看电影。

Citizens enjoy recreational activities such as traveling and watching movies during their spare time.

3. 随着生活水平的提高,人们不再仅仅满足于物质需求。

Along with the constant development of the living standard, people are not merely content with their material life.

4. 人们开始注重精神生活来放松和充实自己。

People are beginning to focus their attention on the spiritual life both to relax and enrich themselves.



Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

The pie chart above clearly shows the distribution of expense in a city of China in 2018, consisting of 5 parts: household items, education, health care, entertainment and others. Among the expense, household items and health care occupied 43% and 16% respectively. But what is worth noting is that the spending on education and entertainment took up 30% in total.

The contributory factors accounting for this phenomenon can mainly be summarized into two points. First and foremost, as our economy develops rapidly, citizens nowadays can afford to invest in education to equip themselves with knowledge and enjoy recreational activities such as traveling and watching movies during their spare time. For another thing, indeed, along with the constant development of the living standard, people are not merely content with their material life. Thus, they are beginning to focus their attention on the spiritual life both to relax and enrich themselves.

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that the pattern of consumption is bound to continue in the years to come. From my perspective, it should be encouraged, for it is not only beneficial for the economic advancement but also conducive to personal growth.



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