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9月15日雅思大作文参考范文 | 夫妻应该共同承担家务吗?

2020-11-15 14:25:01




“In many countries today, women as well as men work full-time, so it is logical for women and men to share household tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”



本题问的是:现在女性和男性都一样全职工作,那么在家里,夫妻是不是应该共同分担家务呢?我们应该注意,原题里有一个词 “logical”,因此准确地说,本题问的是,你是否同意“从逻辑上讲,夫妻是否应该分担家务”这个观点?






With dual-income families, it seems logic that thedomesticburdens should be equally shoulderedas an issue ofgender equality as well as happy relationships. These days, there is evidence that thegender gapin housework has been narrowed gradually. Men are increasingly getting involved in housework, particularly if both men and women are employed in full-time jobs. For example, some husbands are having their share of household duties, such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and looking after children.In appearance, the zero gender gap is becoming a reality, in the sense that, since both men and women are equally the family’sbread-earnersworking from nine to five, both should share the housework equally.




(2) domestic 家庭(内)的

(3) as an issue of... 作为......问题

(4) gender gap 性别差异

(5) in appearance 表面上看

(6) bread-owner 挣钱养家的人


For happy relationships, however, men and women equally sharing the housework is often not as important as what it seems.Ironically, the main reason for thepersistenceof inequality at home may be women themselves. Even in relationships in which the dual-earner couple aims to share the domestic burdens, most women would like to keep their men away from traditional tasks and childcare-giving activities. So, despite the bestintentionsof men, their women might think that, although sharing household chores may do no harm, it may do little to contribute to a happy marriage. On this issue, there may be no need to seek 50/50 gender equality because men will always be men and women will always be women.Given thatboth males and females are created equal, the two genders are not meant to share housework equally.Believe it or not, most women at heart may not expect this to happen.




(2) ironically 讽刺的是......

(3) persistence 坚持;持续

(4) intention 意图

(5) given that... 尽管......

(6) believe it or not 无论你信还是不信


It is proper to conclude that happy relationshipshave little to do withsharing the same amount of housework, even when women like men have full-time jobs.In this regard, gender equality and a happy marriage may have a logic different from equally sharing the housework.




(2)to have little to do with... 与......没有什么关系

(3)in this regard 在这一方面


1.In appearance, the zero gender gap is becoming a reality, in the sense that, since both men and women are equally the family’sbread-earnersworking from nine to five, both should share the housework equally.


2. Even in relationships in which the dual-earner couple aims to share the domestic burdens, most women would like to keep their men away from traditional tasks and childcare-giving activities.


3. Despite the bestintentionsof men, their women might think that, although sharing household chores may do no harm, it may do little to contribute to a happy marriage.


4.Given thatboth males and females are created equal, the two genders are not meant to share housework equally.


5. It is proper to conclude that happy relationshipshave little to do withsharing the same amount of housework, even when women like men have full-time jobs.



With dual-income families, it seems logic that the domestic burdens should be equally shouldered as an issue of gender equality as well as happy relationships. These days, there is evidence that the gender gap in housework has been narrowed gradually. Men are increasingly getting involved in housework, particularly if both men and women are employed in full-time jobs. For example, some husbands are having their share of household duties, such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and looking after children. In appearance, the zero gender gap is becoming a reality, in the sense that, since both men and women are equally the family’s bread-earners working from nine to five, both should share the housework equally.

For happy relationships, however, men and women equally sharing the housework is often not as important as what it seems. Ironically, the main reason for the persistence of inequality at home may be women themselves. Even in relationships in which the dual-earner couple aims to share the domestic burdens, most women would like to keep their men away from traditional tasks and childcare-giving activities. So, despite the best intentions of men, their women might think that, although sharing household chores may do no harm, it may do little to contribute to a happy marriage. On this issue, there may be no need to seek 50/50 gender equality because men will always be men and women will always be women. Given that both males and females are created equal, the two genders are not meant to share housework equally. Believe it or not, most women at heart may not expect this to happen.

It is proper to conclude that happy relationships have little to do with sharing the same amount of housework, even when women like men have full-time jobs. In this regard, gender equality and a happy marriage may have a logic different from equally sharing the housework.

(313 words)



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