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2020-11-15 16:00:01


The leaders or directors of organizations are often older people. But some people say that young people can also be a leader. To what extent do agree or disagree?

It is true that many leaders and senior executives in global companies are elderly people. However, I would argue that those superb young people are also eligible to take important positions in today’s world.


观点1:年龄大的人拥有更多的优势(edges),比如:他们能纵览全局big-picture thinking、目光长远long-term vision. 年长者有多年社会工作经验years of work experience,因此他们能够在做决定之前把方方面面都考虑到take every aspect into consideration.相比,年轻人缺乏社会经验lack of social experience,做决定可能会目光短浅make shortsighted decisions.

观点2:年长者遇到困难会沉着冷静的想办法解决overcome countless difficulties,能够快速的从混乱turmoil中调整自己的情绪adjust their mood,提升整个团队的士气lift the morale of whole organisations.

On the one hand, compared to the young generation, elderly people possess more edges. First and foremost, they have better cognitive skills, such as big-picture thinking and long-term vision. This is because years of work experience and failures teach them totake every aspect into consideration before making important decisions. By contrast, due to a lack of social experience, young leaders seem to make shortsighted decisions sometimes. Moreover, since the old have already overcome countless difficulties and challenges prior, they can quickly adjust their mood in turmoil and lift the moraleof the whole organization.


观点:受过良好教育的年轻领导更能理解文化差异,并且他们能跟员工和客户产生共鸣(合得来) empathize with,因为他们彼此之间不存在着年代沟generation gap, 这样有利于公司留住人才retention of talents,即减少了公司的人才流失brain drain.

On the other hand, there are two reasons why younger directors are also competent to be leaders in important positions. In the first place, with well-educated backgrounds, young leaders are more likely to have a deep understanding of cultural difference, and they can empathize with other employees and clients much better.Today, empathy plays a key role in retentionoftalents. For example, it is easy to misunderstand others in a cross-cultural dialogue. When good employees resign, they might take the company’s knowledge with them, which is a brain drain for the company. Secondly, compared with the senior leaders, young directors can apply the latest technology and theory into practice, and this can counteract negative stereotype of management and greatly improve the productivity.

In conclusion, in my opinion, age should not be the criterion when selecting the leader of a company. Anyone who has the leadership can play his or her role in the organization.(280 words)











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