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2018年雅思考试 雅思作文如何从5.5分提升到6.5分

2020-11-15 18:55:01





Some groups of people benefit tremendously from modern communication technology,but some others think it is not beneficial to them at all. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



第1段: With the widespread use of the Internet and technological progression, it is more easier to contact each other. Some people profit from modern communication technology,especially who are far apart from each other ,while others do not. From where I stand, there are some people can not enjoy the benefit from convenient communication in the information age.

广之旅精英教育出国考试研究院唐院长点评:作为开头段,本段思路是不错的,但是需要做如下修改:(1)progression - progress; (2) More easier - much easier; (3) especially who are far... - especially those who are far...; (4) there are some people cannot enjoy - some people cannot enjoy / there are some people who cannot enjoy; (5) 根据后文,增加了because of poverty and their age,开头段直接点出后面要论述的主题,增加文章的连贯性。

第2段:To start with, people in remote area or impoverished countries where they still stay in touch with each other by letter or telegram could not enjoy the convenience from advanced communication techniques. They are not well-informed about the progress of those modern technologies owing to the limited news resources. In addition, many remote regions still do not have access to mobile phone coverage and the Internet. Because the local governments may not afford the fee in terms of the high cost of building some communication base station and burying optical fiber.

广之旅精英教育出国考试研究院唐院长点评:本段写得不错,如果这篇雅思作文的全文都能写到这个水平,6.5-7分都有可能,但存在问题:(1) may not afford不是一个常见的搭配,应该是cannot afford; (2) 通讯站,光纤之类可用communication infrastructure来统称,其中infrastructure的意思是“基础设施”。

第3段:We can not deny the fact that that modern means of communication have became an indispensable part in people’s lives due to their merits. Email, smart phone, instant messaging programme (like Wechat,Line) and social networking websites (Twitter,Facebook) have greatly improved the efficiency and effectiveness of long-distance for many people. With signal covering, they enable people to contact with friends and family members wherever and whenever possible .Moreover, modern communication technology has lowered the costs of communicating. However, some people ,especially the elder, do not profit from the development of communication technology. It is of great difficulties for them to learn how to use email or instant messaging APP. Accordingly , the elder still utilize relatively original means of communication, like telephone and mails.


第4段: To conclude, I would concede that modern communication technology enable tons of people to enjoy the convenience. Despite that, some people , including people in remote areas and the elder, are not beneficial from these. Over all, I am convinced that government should provide funds for remote region to develop accesses to the Internet and mobile phone coverage. Also the media is supposed to popularize the advanced communication technology for the elder.



With the widespread use of the Internet and technological progress, it is much easier to contact each other. Some people profit from modern communication technology, especially those who are far apart from each other, while others do not. From where I stand, I do find some people can not enjoy the benefit from convenient communication in the information age because of poverty or their age.

To start with, people in remote area or impoverished countries where they still stay in touch with each other by letter or telegram could not enjoy the convenience from advanced communication techniques. They are not well-informed about the progress of those modern technologies owing to the limited news resources. In addition, many remote regions still do not have access to the Internet connection, because the local governments cannot afford the high cost of building the Internet and communication infrastructure such as the optical fiber.

Furthermore, the elderly people also find that they can hardly benefit from the modern communication technology. They have been so used to the traditional ways of communication that some of them can never adjust themselves to the new methods. There are also some old people who find that they simply cannot learn how to use email or instant messaging APPs, though to the young, these are really simple applications. My grandpa is an example. His inability to recognize Roman letters makes it impossible for him to use any of these convenient means of communication.

To conclude, modern communication technology enables many people to enjoy its conveniences. Despite that, some people , including people in remote areas and the elder, are not benefited from these. Over all, I am convinced that government should provide funds for remote region to develop accesses to the Internet connection. Also the media is supposed to popularize the advanced communication technology to the elderly. (307 words)




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