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7种方法帮你了解自己的消费 存够钱实现梦想(原创双语文章)

2020-11-17 07:00:01



1 Visualize 可视化

How does it work? Marketers do everything they can in order to make you somehow see a product and want to buy it, this is why fitting rooms are usually in the farthest corners of stores, and the most expensive goods are at your eye-level. In their arsenal, they have products with special offers, the letters SALE on the windows, plastic cards with discounts, pleasant smells, and nice music.


What’s the right thing to do?


Option № 1. Do the “Stranger test.” You want a new dress? Imagine there is a person in front of you holding what you want to buy in one hand, and its money equivalent in the other. Which one do you choose? If you want the money more, it means you don’t really need the product that much.

1. 想买新裙子?先做个小测试吧。想象面前站着一个人,一手拿着你渴望已久的裙子,一手拿着和裙子等值的钱,你会选哪个?如果你更想要钱,意味着其实你并不真的想要那条裙子。

Option № 2. Imagine your purchase 6 months later. Here is the dress you wore just once, hanging uselessly in your closet. Use this moment to make the right decision.

2. 想象一下,买完六个月后,那条只穿过一次的裙子没用地挂在衣橱里。这时候你还会买吗?

Don’t give up without trying both of these options.


2 Don’t touch what you like 把手从你喜欢的东西上移开

How does it work? People really value the things they own, this is why when people sell used things, the prices they set are incredibly high. After holding something you like, on a subconscious level, you think that it is already yours.

The wild price doesn’t seem as crazy anymore, all of the recommendations on saving money are forgotten, and here you are about to pay for a new smartphone that you don’t need at all.


What’s the right thing to do?


Ask the sales associate to demonstrate how the phone you like works or to show you the sweater you think you like.


Buy things online less often. Studies showed that online shopping is even more out of our control and we make more impulsive purchases on the internet.


The most important thing — no matter what, don’t touch the thing you think you like.


3 Walk left 向左转

How does it work? When entering a store, most buyers go right because they are right-handed. Marketers know about this and they deliberately place the most expensive goods in this part of the store.


What’s the right thing to do?


Be prepared for shopping: Don’t forget your shopping list and walk around the store according to what is on this list. This makes you more disciplined.


Pay a lot of attention to the lower and the upper shelves — the cheaper goods are there.


Don’t take a cart, carry what you are going to buy in your hands. If you need to buy more than just a couple of things, take a basket, but still not a cart — this way, you won’t buy anything extra.


Remember that preparation is the key to conscious consumption.


4 Don’t chew gum 购物时别嚼泡泡糖

How does it work? People who chew gum have better blood circulation in their brain and their cognitive functions improve. This causes them to want to be around people for a longer time, to really take a long look at the things they are buying, and to think deeply about what they need.


What’s the right thing to do?


Don’t chew. According to studies, the process itself makes you spend more time choosing the things you need and buying more things than you planned.


Focus on what you need and don’t pay attention to other “good” offers. You need a list or a clear idea of what you initially came to the store for.


Limit the time you are going to spend in the store. Go in, get what you need, and leave. Don’t chew gum, concentrate on self-control, and maintain your full focus.


5 Don’t look around 别瞎逛

How does it work? When a person sees a product with a discount, they immediately want to buy it in order to avoid spending more in the future. This is an instinct: possible losses worry us more than possible purchases and the very thought that if you don’t buy something now, you’ll lose your chance to buy it in the future worries us.


What’s the right thing to do?


Ignore products that are on sale if they are not on your list.


After you get what you need, go straight to the cash register. And say no to the offer from the cashier to buy 7 packs of gum for the price of 2.


Fight the fear of loss — and you will always win from this.


6 Put aside what you save 把省下来的钱放好

How does it work? You know the amount of money you can spend on your purchases in a week. After 7 days, you look into your wallet (or check your bank account) and see that you have an “extra” $30. If you leave this money in your wallet, there is a huge risk that you will just waste it.


What’s the right thing to do?


Invest in your own future.


Don’t spend the money you “accidentally” got. Split the amount into 2 parts: spend the first part and put aside the second part for your dream.


Collect and review the receipts from the stores — they often show the amount of the discount. Take the saved money from your wallet and put it in a different account. Put all your change into a piggy bank.


Stop buying all those things you don’t really need. For example, that cup of coffee you buy every day.


Get a piggy bank for cash — it doesn’t have to be a pig, just something you like to make the process fun. If we are talking about a bank account, you should have a separate account exclusively for savings.


7 Check your reserves 检查自己的储蓄

How does it work? Very often, people concentrate on how far they are from achieving their goal, instead of how much closer they are to it now than they used to be. You put money aside into a box or a savings account, but you don’t see or touch the money you saved. As a result, the money becomes an abstract thing, almost like some fake currency. It is your money, but it doesn’t make you very happy.


What’s the right thing to do? Be like Scrooge McDuck that took a dive into his gold vault — track the process and enjoy it.


Watch your savings grow. It will help you see how your efforts pay off in real-time.


Make it a ritual: Every month, stop doing whatever you are doing and check to see how much money you have saved.


Don’t forget to reward yourself for your successes: when you’ve reached a certain mark you set for yourself — celebrate it and buy something small but nice for yourself.


These simple actions can reinforce your desire to achieve this goal.




翻译:张雪薇 (北语)





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