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2020-11-17 13:05:01


(1) 审题不到位

A. 人称错误:有些考题要求考生使用第一人称,而很多同学没有看清要求而采用了第三人称来叙述,分数就大打折扣了,这样的结果是非常可惜的。

B. 时态错误:很多看图作文大部分应使用一般过去时,注意时态统一。而有些应用文,比如写一篇关于某活动的书面通知,很明显基本时态应用一般将来时,而有的考生却用了一般过去时,这是严重错误的。

C. 要点遗漏:这种情况主要出现在看图作文,或半命题作文中,题目一般会给出要点,考生如果没有仔细审题,很可能遗漏关键要点,而作文给分原则之一就是要点要描述到位,根据要点给分,所以遗漏要点所扣的分值较大。

D. 格式错误:这种情况一般出现在应用文中,如没有按照正确的通知格式,书信格式书写,也会扣除相应的分值。

(2) 受汉语影响,翻译过程中产生的语法错误(几乎是绝大部分考生都容易犯的错误)

A. 缺少句子成分

a. 缺句子主语

(X) But was already 6 o’clock.

(√)But it was already 6 o’clock.

b. 缺句子谓语

(X) I often by bike to factory.

(√)I often ride a bike to factory.

c. 缺句子宾语

(X) He seated on the ground.

(√)He seated himself on the ground.

B. 受汉语思维,多用了句子成分或某些介词

a. 重复用相同意义词汇

(X) He returned back the day before yesterday.

(√)He returned the day before yesterday.

b. 简单句出现两个谓语(最常见错误)

(X) There were lots of people died in the war.

(√)There were lots of people who died in the war.(简单句中出现两个谓语动词时要借用从句表达)

c. 宾语重复叠加

(X) He dressed his clothes slowly.

(√)He dressed slowly.

d. 误用介词,画蛇添足

(X) We must serve for the people heart and soul.

(√)We must serve the people heart and soul.

C. 直译过程中用词不当及一些词性,语态错误

a. 主语使用不当

(X) My work is very busy.

(√)I am very busy with my work.

b. 谓语使用不当

(X) Time past quickly.(past是介词,不能用作谓语成分)

(√)Time passed quickly.

c. 宾语使用不当

(X) My father patted Mary’s shoulder.

(√)My father patted Mary on the shoulder.

d. 表语使用不当

(X) The price of my clothes is expensive.

(√)The price of my clothes is high.

e. 定语使用不当

(X) She has a hot body temperature.

(√)She has a high body temperature.

f. 介词使用不当

(X) Don’t read under the sunlight.

(√)Don’t read in the sunlight.

g. 动词使用不当

(X) I have borrowed the book for a month.(borrow为瞬间动词,不能用于完成时接时间段)

(√)I have kept the book for a month.(keep为延续性动词,可以接时间段)

h. 语态使用错误

(X) We watched the bus till it was disappeared.

(√)We watched the bus till it disappeared.(无需用被动语态)

D. 句子成分搭配不当的错误

a. 主谓使用不当

(X) My homeland has taken place great changes.

(√)Great changes has taken place in my homeland.

b. 动宾使用不当

(X) We want to see TV this afternoon.( see强调结果,不能用于看电视)

(√)We want to watch TV this afternoon.(watch强调过程,为正确搭配)

c. 系表使用不当

(X) My dream has become true.

(√)My dream has come true.

E. 采用中国式英语翻译生搬硬套


(X) She has possible go abroad.

(√)It is possible /likely that she will go abroad.





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