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如何让你的英语作文提升一个等级 so essay!

2020-11-17 14:50:01


1) 大多数人most people the majority of the population

2) 经常oftenfrequently

3) 我相信I believe from my standpoint, from my perspective

4) 必须must it is a must for us to…

5) 知道know be aware of

6) 因为becausein that

7) 最后at lasteventually

8) 然而buthowever

9) 如果ifprovided that

10) 各行各业的人all kinds of peoplepeople from all walks of life

11) 引起,导致lead tocontribute to

12) 人peopleindividuals

13) 好的gooddesirable, beneficial

14) 坏的badundesirable

15) 很多many numerous

16) 越来越more and more an increasing number of / a mounting number of

17) 很veryextremely

18) 方面sideaspects

19) 表明showdemonstrate, indicate

20) 利用useutilize

21) 因此/结果sotherefore

22) 部分partproportion

23) 提高improveenhance

24) 改变changetransform

25) 强调/重视emphasize attach great importance to

26) 培养developcultivate

27) 破坏destroyundermine

28) 解决deal with tackle /figure out

29) 普遍的everywhereuniversal

30) 明显的obviousapparent

31) 在当今社会in the modern societyin the current society

32) 使makeenable



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