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2020-11-17 16:00:02

在20世纪90年代“铁饭碗”当道的时期, 加之马云在当时杭州的英语翻译界也已经小有名气, 其辞去大学教师的工作本身就需要极大的勇气。海博翻译社的创办也许是马云深知自己的优势而进行的第一次创业尝试。可是运营不济, 为了生存他不得不卖鲜花、礼品以及医药, 但这并没有击溃马云创业的信念。

In the 1990s, just at that time, “a secure job” was the first choice for most university graduates, so it took great courage for Jack Ma to resign his job as a university teacher while he had already been a minor celebrity in the field of English translation in Hangzhou. The establishment of the Hangzhou Hope Translation Agency may be the first entrepreneurial attempt of Jack Ma with his own advantages, however, its operation was not successful, for survival, he had to sell flowers, gifts and medicines, but such encounter did not defeat his belief in starting his own business.

参考企业生命周期理论的一般划分方式,确定了案例企业战略/演进过程的划分标准:初创期,建立企业,在某一利基市场内开展创新业务,并最终确立在该市场上的领导地位;成长期,组织结构快速扩张,进入多个相关业务领域,最终形成独特的核心业务板块;成熟期,组织结构多次调整,开始在核心业务的基础上搭建商业生态系统。按照上面的划分标准,笔者将收集到的各类数据分别归入案例企业发展的各个阶段,并将其作为案例分析的基础。After drawing lessons from the general division method of the Theory of Corporate Life-cycle, a division standard for case enterprise strategy/evolution process is determined, namely, at the start-up stage, an entrepreneur establishes an enterprise and develops an innovative business in a niche market and eventually establishes the leading position in the market; while in the growth stage, the organizational structure expands rapidly and enters a large number of related business areas and thus eventually forming the unique core business segments. During the maturation period, the organizational structure is adjusted for several times and the business ecosystem begins to be built on the basis of the core businesses. According to the above division standards, the author has classified all kinds of data collected into all stages of case enterprise development and then taken them as the basis for case analysis.

在经过创业期以及成长期之后, 企业的发展方向基本确定, 规模、服务以及市场也都趋于成熟。此时, 如何保持较高的市场份额以及企业社会地位是企业家必须着力考虑的问题。该阶段, 企业家精神更多被赋予为配置资源的能力和敬业精神两个方面。面对阿里巴巴获得的巨大成功, 马云并没有固步自封, 相反地, 他能进一步根据企业经营范围进行更适合市场的战略调整, 即精细化经营, 采取将淘宝网分拆为三家公司———淘网、淘宝网、淘宝商城。这样不仅能够细分市场, 也能将企业文化无形得渗透于消费受众。

After both the start-up and the growth stages, the development direction of an enterprise is basically determined, and accordingly, its scale, service and market also become mature. At this time, how to maintain a higher market share and corporate social status is a problem needing an entrepreneur to consider. At this stage, entrepreneurship is more often endowed with the abilities of allocating resources and professionalism. In the face of the great success of Alibaba, Jack Ma did not continue walking in the old steps and seclude himself; on the contrary, he made further strategic adjustments which are more suitable for the market according to the business scope, that is, to refine the business and to spin off Taobao into three companies of Etao, Taobao and Taobao Mall. In this way, it will not only be able to segment the market, but also infiltrate the enterprise culture into the consumers.

这不仅体现出马云豁达的心胸, 更体现出马云对于事业的敬业精神。要想更好地使其发挥最大的经济效益和社会价值, 就需要企业家站在宏观角度, 有长远的战略眼光。而且, 成熟期的企业也同样面临适时的调整, 此时也需要企业家具有强烈的敬业精神。

This not only embodies an open mind of Jack Ma, but also reflects his professionalism in his career. To better give full play to the maximum economic and social value, an entrepreneur needs to own a long-term strategic vision from a macroscopic angle; moreover, those mature enterprises are in face of timely adjustments, at the moment, an entrepreneur needs strong professionalism correspondingly.







五、于2019年9月,高分通过现世界翻译行业排名No.7的爱尔兰keywords studio跨国翻译公司游戏本地化文稿测试。




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