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3月3日托福考试口语 写作独立题解析

2020-11-18 04:45:01


口语部分Task 1 Your school is planning to add some information on the school news board. Which one would you choose: travel, reviews of restaurants nearby or films. State your opinion and explain why. 题目分析:题目虽然是关于school news,但是选项其实我们熟悉的类型,我们可以选择travel,联系到以前的题目,关于学生是不是应该travel。也可以讲餐馆,和宿舍餐厅类题目理由相似。关于电影,托福口语之前也存在许多电影课的选项。Sample answer:It’s better to add travel news for students. Learning culture and life in other countries or regions, students get their mind broadened even when there is no time for a real experience. High school is intense and exhausting. Students need a break to release their stress and prepare for their college life. Through knowing more about different places and traveling there, they are able to refresh their minds and get ready for more challenges in the busy life. In addition, when they are during the break, they have a chance to realize what they really need and where they wanna go for future study and life, so that they can identify themselves and work harder.相关表达:leave out/section/the latest trend/takeaways/ think big/blow your mindTask 2Do you agree with the following statement?School should be responsible to teach students moral values.State your opinion and explain why.题目分析:道德问题频率相对来说比较低,但是也会时不时pop out。我们答题的时候可以多从学生教育,综合发展入手,对学生个人发展有帮助的都可以同意。当然也可以在最后让步下,说明学校可以帮助学生发展,但最终还是需要学生个人还有家庭的配合下完成教育的。Sample answer:Education is not only about academic knowledge but the shaping of one’s mind. Of course school should contribute to building the moral value in a student. I have seen many cases that a person with a high level of academic achievement does malicious things to others and the society. That is even worse than a dumb and shallow person doing silly things. So during school years, teachers should talk more to students about the significance of doing the right thing. But that does not mean school should take the blame when its graduates commit a crime. After all, it’s down to every individual to finally decide his value.相关表达:academic knowledge/shaping of one’s mind/contribute to building the moral value/take the blame/commit a crime写作部分When choosing the final course, do you prefer to take a course taught by the professor with whom you have not had classes before or a course taught by the professor whose class you have taken be-fore. 【解析】Education类目下的考题,可联系上此类话题共通分论点之一:Education不仅仅是关于掌握知识(knowledge absorption),也有关培育人才(cultivation)。从未选过课的教授也许能带来新的教学方法和新观点,那么除了获取课本知识外,也能借此培养学生的适应力和包容力。此外,审题时也需要注意final course这个短语,在论证的过程中注意围绕展开。【分论点】以前上过的课的教授1.更熟悉教学方法,不需要花时间来适应新的教学风格。More familiar with the pedagogical methodology, less time on adaption. Boost efficiency.2.教授熟悉学生,知道学生的优劣势,能更好的帮助学生学习。For the professor, knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the students could guarantee a more efficient class.以前没有上过课的教授1.学会适应不同教学方法,以便于今后找工作适应工作环境。 Adjusting to a new way of teaching could help students better adapt themselves in the workplace2.新教授能带来不同角度的观点,在工作场所也会遇到更多的与自己观点完全不同的人,需要包容力。 Perspectives from a different angle could mould more receptive graduates.【词汇】pedagogical methodology: 教学方法receptive: 接受力强的mould: 塑造open-minded: 思想开明的;乐于接受(新思想)的adaptive: 适应力强的cultivation: 培育boost: 提高本文为沃邦教师原创,转载需授权。



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