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解锁《剑13》地图题之Test1 Task1

2020-11-18 12:35:02


地图题在剑13里出现了2题呢,但请不要害怕,今天先带大家一起来解锁一下其中的一题Test 1 Task1。请看题:

◆ 审题:这2幅地图展示了通往某一市医院入口在2个年份间的变化,很明显属于我们地图题里的“历史变迁类”。 2007和2010相对于我们现在而言已经过去了,所以写作时态要注意动词用过去时。


先看2007年这一幅图,Ring Road 的南段中部连接着Hospital Road,两条路相连的部分称之为T型路口T-junction(定位in the centre of the southern section of the Ring Road)。沿着Hospital Road一路向南,会遇到一个十字路口称之为the crossroads with City Road. 还有一个不可忽略的小细节,Ring Road与 car park之间有一个通道称之为an access point(定位in the south-east of the Ring Road).

再来看看2010年,最大的变化就是多了2个环形交通枢纽roundabout,以及每一个roundabout各有一入口通往位于Hospital西侧新建成的公交场Bus station。 原来的停车场仅限员工staff使用了,而新的公共停车场建在了Ring Road的东侧。


★ 接下来给大家示范下此题的中间段该如何写作:

In 2007, a city hospital was surrounded by a ring road. A T-junction with Hospital Road was located in the center of the southern section of the ring road. There was also a single access point in the south-east of the ring road. The hospital was served by three bus stops on each side of the Hospital Road. There was only one car park for both staff and the public to the east of the Hospital Road. At the end of the Hospital Road was the location of crossroads with city road.

In 2010, one roundabout was constructed in place of the original T-junction, while the other roundabout was built at the location of the crossroads. A further car park for public use was set up next to the eastern section of the ring road and thus the original car park was for staff only. The six bus stops had been torn down. In the meanwhile, a new bus station was established to the west of the Hospital Road, with an access to each roundabout mentioned above.

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  1. 2021-01-08 15:01骷魂龙[海南省网友]IP:3407065903


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