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十句经典唯美的英文短句 成功是一场和自己的比赛

2020-11-18 19:50:01

Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much, and just go where your heart takes you.---有时候,你不要想太多,跟着自己的心走,走到哪算哪。

Don’t worry about what others are doing better than you. Concentrate on beating your own records every day. Success is a battle between YOU and YOURSELF only.---不要担心别人会做得比你好。你只需要每天都做得比前一天好就可以了。成功是一场和自己的比赛。

The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all your mistakes and weaknesses, and still thinks you’re completely amazing.----生命中最好的事情就是找到那个知道你所有的错误和缺点,却依然认为你非常棒的人。

Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.---好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃整个世界。

Life is thickly sown with thorns, and there is no other remedy but pass quickly through them with your beautiful smile and heart.---人生布满了荆棘,唯一的办法就是带着美丽的微笑与善心从那些荆棘上面迅速地踏过。

Don’t forget what to do and where to go you have promised yourself no matter how difficult and hard it will be.---别忘了答应自己要做的事情,别忘了答应自己要去的地方,无论有多难,有多远。

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.---他们说一个人在这个世界要得到真的快乐其实只需要三样东西:有人可爱,有事可做,有所希望。

Strive to make every day joyful and meaningful, not for others, but for myself.---要努力使每一天都开心而有意义,不为别人,为自己。

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight!---微笑是一道弧线,却能把一切摆平。

Four steps to succeed: stand the loneliness, withstand the temptation, understand how to give up, learn to choose.




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