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2020-11-18 23:45:01

首先,AAE(美国英文学院)在此恭祝各位春节快乐(Happy Lunar New Year),无论你是发红包还是收红包(Red pocket/ red packet/ red envelope),希望大家都能过一个好年和春节假期。由于春节是农历新年伊始,也是农历中极其重要的一天,而全国各地风土人情各有特色,春节习俗也多种多样。


食物 (Food)

春节期间,最重要的就是一家团圆(Family Reunion/ Family Gathering),而最能表现这种团圆气氛的,则是通过年夜饭/团年饭(New Year’s Eve Dinner / Reunion Dinner)。在餐桌上,食物自然是必不可少,我们先说部分广为人知的食物。






小吃( Snacks)








First of all, here at AAE(American Academy of English), we wish everyone a happy lunar new year. During this holiday season, everyone should enjoy their break whether they will be giving red packets out or receiving red packets. Since Spring Festival signified the beginning of the lunar calendar, it has various customs and traditions.

Today, AAE is going to show you some information that related to Spring Festival food so that you could discuss them with your friends in English.

During the Spring Festival, the most important thing is the family reunion, and the New Year’s Eve reunion dinner is the most significant symbol that conveys the value of family. On the reunion dinner table, foods are irreplaceable and often have meanings behind them. Let’s talk about some of the noble food.

Fish, especially steamed fish, is a popular dish. In Chinese, the character “鱼” (fish) has the same pronunciation as the character “余”, which stands for “surplus.” It’s a blessing for having surplus money every year.

Rice cake has a handful of variants, and people will at least try one of them during the festival. In Chinese, the character “糕” (cake) has the same pronunciation as the character “高,” which stands for “higher”. It means the new year will be better than the last.

Dumplings are shaped like ancient Chinese silver and gold ingots. Therefore, wrapping and eating dumplings can mean raking in money.

Noodles are popular due to its long shape, which means longevity. While people have their noodles, the noodles often come with many different sides and ingredients, like lobster, peaches, fish, roasted pig, etc. Those sides and ingredients are picked for their good meanings. Hence, a single bowl of noodles can come with lots of blessings.

Spring rolls are a popular breakfast dish in Southern China. During the Spring Festival, they are eaten to celebrate the coming of spring. It doesn’t matter if they are deep-fried, steamed or baked, they are a great appetizer.

We know that the New Year’s Eve reunion dinner is essential; however, it only occurs once during the Spring Festival. Until the Lantern Festival, there are 15 days in total, and people have to rely on snacks for most of the time.

Whenever we talk about snacks for the Spring Festival, baked seeds are a favorite choice for most people. Before chatting with each other, family members typically will grab a handful of baked seeds first. Among all the baked seeds, sunflower seeds and hanging melon seeds are two of the most popular baked seeds.

A fruit platter is another popular snack along with baked seeds, and the fruits that placed on the platter usually have special meaning. Kumquats, peaches, grapes, and pomegranates are some of the favorite choices.

Last but not least, sweet treats are also popular. Some of them are easy to store, like wrapped candies and peanut candies, and some of them aren’t so easy to store, like candied haw.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s food or snacks, there are meant to be blessings to those who eat them.

Once again, we wish you a happy Lunar New Year.



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