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英文谈判技巧汇总 学会这些表达 再也不怕跟别人打交道啦!

2020-11-19 10:45:01



一、单词速记 Vocabulary

novice (n.) 新手;初学者

to put things into perspective (phrs. v.) 客观地比较;客观地审查

bargaining chip (n.) (为达成协议的)筹码

to make someone’s life easier (phrs. v.) 使人拥有更好过的生活

to look at the big picture (phrs. v.) 纵观全局

to be in agreement with something (phrs. v.) 达成共识

counter proposal (n.) 反提议

appealing (adj.) 有吸引力的;有魅力的

threat (n.) 威胁;恐吓

strategically (adv.) 战略性地

dialogue (n.) 对话

uncompromising (adj.) 不妥协的;强硬的

on the contrary (phrs.) 正相反;恰恰相反

all in all (phrs.) 总而言之

二、初学者谈判技巧 Negotiation Pointers for Beginners

Whether it’s at home, at work, or even amongst personal relationships, we all need to negotiate in one way or another. You may have already had many experiences in making negotiations, but if you’re just starting out, here are a few pointers for beginners that’ll give you a general idea on how to negotiate.


Step 1: State what you want 明确表达出自己的想法

Time to put aside your shy nature and speak up. The hardest step for most novices is saying exactly what they want, and in most negotiations, it’s the price. A simple “is this the best price you can give me?” can do wonders. It may not always work, but there is no harm in trying.


Step 2: Know what the other party wants 了解对方想要的是什么

Finding out the reasons behind their demand can really help you put things into perspective and may give you some bargaining chips.


Step 3: Understand and show your worth or the value of what you can bring 理解并且展现你自身的价值,或是你能够带来的价值

This should be pretty simple to understand: make yourself (or whatever you’re offering) worthy. I mean, why do they need you? Show them the difference you’d make and how you’ll be able to make their lives easier.





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