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学会用英文办退税 在血拼时也能顾及钱包安全

2020-11-19 11:25:01





Clerk: May I help you?行员:有什么可以为您效劳吗?Rachel: Yes, I bought some clothes and cosmetics at York Designer Outlet, and I’d like to claim my tax refund for these items.Rachel:是的,麻烦你了,我在 York Designer 购物中心买了衣服和化妆品,想要退税。Clerk: Certainly! When did you purchase the items and when will you leave the UK?行员:没问题。请问您是在什么时候购买商品?什么时候要离开英国?Rachel: I bought them this week, and I’m about to leave this evening.Rachel:这些都是这礼拜买的,我今晚就要离开英国。Clerk: Okay, please give me your passport. The items you purchased, receipts, and VAT refund forms.行员:好的,那请给我您的护照、购买商品、收据和增值税退税单。Rachel: Here you go.Rachel:在这里。(The clerk checks the forms and adds up the total cost.)(行员检查退税单并加总消费金额。)Clerk: The total tax refund is $120 pounds. Would you like your refund in cash or on your credit card?行员:退税金额一共是 120 英镑,请问您要退现金还是退到您的信用卡?Rachel: Please send it to my credit card. Thank you.Rachel:请退到我的信用卡,谢谢。

cosmetics (n.) 化妆品

cosmetics 的意思是「化妆品」。意思相近的字为 makeup。

The pharmacy also sells a variety of cosmetics.这间药店也有卖各种化妆品。

claim a tax refund 申请退税

claim 在对话中的意思是「要求 (拥有);索取」之意,refund 则是「退费」之意,因此 claim a tax refund 就是要索取购买商品时所付的税,也就是「申请退税」。

If you want to claim a tax refund, the products you purchased must be unopened until you leave the country.如果想要要求退税,在出境前,你所购买的商品都不能拆封。此外,claim 也有「主张;声称」的意思,通常所主张之事无法证明,也较不具公信力。The government claimed that the presidential election wasn’t subject to foreign interference.政府主张总统大选并无受到外国力量干预。

purchase (v.) 购买

purchase 跟 buy 一样,都是「购买;买」的意思,差别在于 buy 用于较日常的情境,purchase 则用在较正式的场合。

The high-tech facilities were purchased last year.这些高科技的设备是去年采购的。

form (n.) 表格

form 当名词时有「表格:窗体」之意,常搭配动词词组 fill in/out,fill in 是指填写「格子」或「窗体上的某一部分」,例如: fill in the blanks in the form (填写表格);fill out 则强调填写完整份窗体,例如:fill out the form (填写表格)。

You have to fill out the form if you want to return the item.如果你想要退货,你必须先填写表格。

Sales assistant: Your total comes to $27.4 pounds.店员:您的消费一共是 27.4 英镑。Rachel: Excuse me. I’m a tourist, so I’d like to get a tax refund.Rachel:不好意思,因为我是旅客,所以我想要退税。Sales assistant: Sorry, but the minimum charge to get a tax refund is $30 pounds.店员:抱歉,但要退税的最低消费金额是 30 英镑。Rachel: Oh! Sorry, I didn’t know that. Then I will buy one more facial mask.Rachel:噢,抱歉,我不知道有这个规定。那我再多买一片面膜。Sales assistant: Okay, that would be $32.69 pounds. Please show me your passport and fill out the form.店员:好,这样一共是 32.69 英镑,请让我看看您的护照,并填写这份表格。Sales assistant: Here is your tax refund. Please keep the items unopened until you leave the UK.店员:这边是您的退税金额。在离开英国前,请不要拆封购买的物品。Rachel: Alright. Do I need to do anything else?Rachel:好的,那我还要做什么吗?Sales assistant: Before you check in, you have to take the form, the receipts, and the items you purchased to the VAT Refund counter. Customs will examine them again.店员:在办理登机手续前,你必须带着退税单、收据、和购买的产品到 VAT Refund 的退税柜台,海关会再检查一次。Rachel: Got it! Many thanks!Rachel:了解!非常感谢您!

minimum (adj.) 最少的;最低限度的

minimum 的意思是「最少的;最低限度的」,我们常说的「最低薪资」就是 minimum wage,minimum 反义字为 maximum (最多的;最大限度的)。

Since this month, the minimum monthly wage has been increased by 3%.从这个月开始,最低薪资调涨 3%。

check in (phr.) (在机场) 办理登机手续

check in 在对话中的意思是「(在机场) 办理登机手续」,加上连字符变成名词 check-in,则是指机场的「报到柜台」。此外 check in 也可指「(在饭店) 办理入住手续」。

When I was about to check in, I found out that my passport and wallet were gone.在我要办登机手续时,才发现我的护照和钱包都不见了。

customs (n.) 海关

「海关」这个字一定要用复数形 customs,「过海关」搭配的动词为 clear 或 go through,例如:clear customs、go through customs。若用单数 custom,则有「风俗;习俗:惯例」之意。

Customs officers will check your carry-on baggage when you go through customs.过海关时,海关人员会检查你的随身行李。




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