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2020-11-19 18:45:01




Exercise One



China's latest hit drama, All Is Well(都挺好》), is regarded as “ a mirror of modern society”. It spreads positive energy to the viewers and helps people get out of pains which came from original(原始的) families.With the popularity of the drama. Su Daqiang, one of the main characters, becomes one of the hottest topics. In fact,there are a great many of true stories in our life. He is an e xample of real life.

According to the drama, this is an ordinary family. Su Daqiang has three children. His daughter is Su Mingyu. She is capable(能干的)and successful. After her mother died, she took on the responsibility of looking after her father.

There was a story recently. Walking with the help of a stick,an old woman took a bus to the kindergarten topick up her daughter. But her daughter had been away from the school for 30 years. She could only tell the guard at the gate of the school that she had come to pick up her daughter, who was called Kate. However. the guard couldn't find the daughter's name on the school list of students and called the police. With the help of the police, the woman's daughter was found finally. When the daughter arrived at the kindergarten to pick up her mother,she asked her why she was there. "I came to pick you up,"the mother smiled at her daughter.

Many netizens(网友) were moved by the touching story. As the ending of the drama All Is Well suggests, parents' love is instinctual(本能的)and they are always the people who care about you the most in the world.

1. What is the hit drama All Is Well regarded as?


完整回答:The hit drama All Is Well is regarded as“ a mirror of modern society”或It is regarded as“ a mirror of modern society”.

简略回答:A mirror of modern society.

2. How many children does Su Daqiang have?


完整回答:He has three children.


3. How did the old woman get to the kindergarten?


完整回答:She took a bus to the kindergarten.或She got to the kindergarten by bus(或on a bus).

简略回答:By bus. 或On a bus.或She took a bus.

4. How long had the daughter been away from the school?


完整回答:She had been away from the school for 30 years.

简略回答:For 30 years.

5. Who cares about us the most in the world?


完整回答:Our parents careabout us the most in the world.

(不能用Parents’ love cares about us the most in the world,因为问句中是用who提问)

(也不能用They care about us the most in the world.)

要很好理解最后一句并列句,而第二分句是含有定语从句的复合句,只有真正理解这个长句,并注意问题用who提问要用“人”作答,还要注意谓语的数的变化,care应用动词原形,因为主语our parents是复数,另外,parents前面还应加上our才能与后面的“us”对应。所有这些都注意了,就能准确回答这个问题。

简略回答:Our parents.


Exercise Two

A. 回答问题



“The delivery driver(送餐员) gets your food and is on his way.” This is a message you might receive after placing a takeover order.But in the near future, a self-dnving car may bring food to your door instead of a human driver.

Baidu and Meituan are now working together to use self-driving technology to deliver food.They will be experimenting with this in the Xiong’an New Area,Beijing Evening News reported.

The self-driving cars will mainly be used to send group orders, and the single orders are usually handled by delivery drivers. For example, if a company orders food for its workers. a self-driving car will bring all the food to the company.


Sina Tech said that using self-driving cars will be a revolution(革命)in the food delivery industry, as it will cut down the cost of labor(劳动力).

Online food delivery services have developed rapidly in China. Almost 300 million users have used onlineservices to order food. In 2016, Meituan Waimai was the No. I among all food delivery companies.

Self-driving delivery services will help the development of the industry.But that doesn’t mean that delivery drivers will lose their jobs. There are still some problems to work out. For example, self-driving cars can drive smoothly on cement(水泥) roads, but have problems driving on dirt roads. There are other safety-related problems that must also be solved before self-driving cars can be used.

1. Where will Baidu and Meituan be experimenting self-driving technology to deliver food?


完整回答:They will be experimenting self-driving technology to deliver food in the Xiong'an New Area.

简略回答: In the Xiong'an New Area.

2. What will be a revolution in the food delivery industry according to Sina Tech?


完整回答: Using self-driving cars will be a revolution in the food delivery industry according to Sina Tech.

简略回答:Using self-driving cars.

3. How many people have used online services to order food?


完整回答: Almost 300 million people have used online services to order food.

简略回答:Almost 300 million.

4. Which company was the No. I among all food delivery companies in 2016?


完整回答:Meituan Waimai was the No. I among all food delivery companies in 2016.

简略回答: Meituan Waimai

5. What kind of problem do the self-driving cars have?

通过浏览文章,在文章的倒数第2句可以找到相关信息,可用完整回答或简略回答,但要注意重新组织语言,不能照抄。这个问题有点难,学生首先对have problems with sth 或have problems doing sth(对于某事有问题、做某事有问题)这种表达要有所熟悉,再仔细研究所提的问题,才能作出准确地回答。

完整回答:The self-driving cars have problems driving on dirt roads.

简略回答:Driving on dirt roads.

显示评论内容(4) 收起评论内容
  1. 2022-08-26 05:06梦醒时分。[黑龙江省网友]IP:3407870084
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  3. 2021-03-26 14:06Fily丶释放[海南省网友]IP:762394325
  4. 2020-07-10 18:36妃鈺[吉林省网友]IP:3407366693


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