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2020-11-20 06:45:01




I did not build my official residence until the second year after my arrival at Fufeng. I built a pavilion to the north of the central hall and dug a pond to its south. Spring water was fed into the pond and trees were planted, so this was an ideal place for rest. In the spring of that year wheat fell from the sky south of the Qi Mountain. It was foretold by divination that there would be a bumper harvest. But people began to worry after a month had passed and there had not been a drop of rain. It was not until another three months had passed that it rained on the second day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar and again on the eleventh day. People thought that this much of rain was not enough. Then on the fourteenth it started to rain heavily for three days. Officials congratulated each other in the office. Merchants sang in the market place. Farmers beamed with joy in the fields. Those who had been worried became happy and those who had been sick recovered their health. My pavilion was completed on this happy occasion.


1.ideal: adj. 理想的;完美的;想象的;不切实际的

2. divination: n. 预测,占卜

3.bumper: adj. 丰盛的;巨大的;首尾相接的v. 满杯祝酒;干杯;装满

4. harvest: n. 收获;产量;结果vt. 收割;得到

5.merchant: n. 商人,批发商;店主adj. 商业的,商人的

6. beam:vi. 照射;堆满笑容n. 横梁;光线;电波;船宽;[计量] 秤杆





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