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修车常用必备英语 你的爱车有救啦!

2020-11-20 17:25:01


You are finally going to make your dream come true! A wonderful holiday in Scotland… a journey on the road in the style of Thelma and Louise. You and your good friend have planned everything are about to arrive at Dunnottar Castle to experience the amazing view of the sunset over the sea. But you never could have imagined that, suddenly, a big stone would damage the tires and prevent you from continuing your journey. What should you do? Where can find a mechanic?


A car trip is an excellent way to achieve all of the goals in your itinerary without the difficulties and setbacks of public transport. It also gives you the opportunity to discover unexpected places in the landscape as well as jewels of art and nature that you could hardly access on foot or by bus. In some countries, such as Ireland and Scotland, a car is the best way to move around freely and to enjoy not only the destination but also the wonderful natural landscape of your surroundings.


That being said, do you have the necessary English to communicate with a mechanic in case your car breaks down? It would not hurt to add some useful phrases and specific vocabulary to your travel log in case you need to go to a repair shop.


汽车零件 常用词汇

Tyres 轮胎

Spare tyre 备用轮胎

Tread 轮面

Mud flaps 挡泥板

Jack 千斤顶(是不是说了这么多年的Jack,一直不知道它还有这个意思)

Jumper cables 车用跳电线

Boot 车轮锁扣

Bonnet 发动机盖

License plate 车牌

Bumper 保险杠

Headlight 大灯

Tail light 尾灯

Brake light 刹车灯

Body 主体

Petrol tank 汽油罐

Door 车门

Window 车窗

Windscreen wipers 雨刷

Mirror 反光镜

Indicator 指示灯

Horn 喇叭

Brakes 刹车

Steering wheel 方向盘

Dashboard 控制板

Fuel gauge 燃油表

Warning light 警示灯

Speedometer 速度计

Odometer 里程表

Seat 座椅

Seat belt 安全带

Exhaust pipe 排气管

Electrics 电器

Axle 车轴;[车辆] 轮轴

Roof rack 车顶行李架;行李架

Cylinder block 气缸

Cylinder head 气缸盖

Piston 活塞

Valves 阀

Radiator 散热器

Water 水泵

pump 化油器

Carburettor 汽化器

Decompressor 减压器

Engine 发动机

Dipstick 油尺


Oil change 换油

Maintenance 维护

Overcharge 过量

Inspection 检查

Diagnose 诊断

Warranty 保修

Labour charge 人工费

Accident 事故

Adjustment 调整

Anchorage 锚固

Lubricant 润滑剂

Malfunction 故障

Fault 故障

Flat tyre 瘪胎

Service 服务

To break down 要分解

To fix 修复


Could you change the tyre?


The car is making a strange noise. Could you check if something is wrong?


How much does an oil change cost?


Can you tell me when it will be ready?


A light on the dashboard came on. Could you verify what it is?


A headlight bulb has burnt out. Could you replace it?


Could you help me top up the radiator with water?


I need to inflate the tyres.


Now you have the vocabulary to communicate with the mechanic in case your car breaks down as well as a selection of essential phrases. Beyond the specifics, before starting a trip abroad, it is always a good idea to refresh your English a little.






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