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图文讲解英语中数以千计的常用表达 各种单词搭配 构建优美短语

2020-11-20 17:50:01

English Expressions: Thousands of Common Expressions 英文表达:数以千计的常用表达

Expressions in English! list of thousands of English expressions frequently used in daily conversations. Learning these common expressions help your English sound more fluently and naturally like a native speaker.


English Expressions 英语表达

What are English expressions? 什么是英语表达?

English expressions, also commonly known as expressions, are words, or group of words that when used in a certain way convey a certain meaning. Expressions come in many forms, for instance, some of them are collocations, others are common phrases, while others idioms or even phrasal verbs. Here is a closer look at each of these kinds of expressions.


Collocations 搭配

Collocations are expressions that are made up of two or more words that match a particular manner of saying things. Generally, the words have a greater meaning when used together than when used individually.


For instance, “computer monitor“. Collocations are also juxtapositions such as “dead serious.” 例如,“电脑显示器”。搭配也是并列使用,如“dead serious”。

Common Phrases 常见的短语

The English language has many phrases, and these are used fairly often by most English speakers and are therefore understood by most English speakers.英语有很多短语,大多数英语使用者经常使用这些短语,因此大多数英语使用者都能理解这些短语。

For example: 例如:

Long time no see 好久不见That’s a good one 这个问题很好What’s up 怎么了

Phrasal Verbs 短语动词

As per their name, phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a particle. A particle is a preposition or an adverb. This combination ends up creating a new word or phrase. 短语动词由一个动词和一个质点组成。质点是介词或副词。这种组合最终创造了一个新词或短语。

For instance: 例如:

I‘m fed up (be bored) with my job. 我对我的工作感到厌烦。I’m sorry; I’m not with (agree with) you on this point. 我很抱歉;在这一点上我不同意你的看法。

What are common sayings in English? 英语中有哪些俗语?

An English saying is a common expression that usually conveys certain wisdom and advice. These sayings include proverbs and even idioms. Sayings can also refer to expressions that are related to a certain person. For instance, Solomon’s sayings on youth.


Idioms 成语

An idiom is a set of two or more words that have a meaning beyond the literal meaning of the individual words. Idioms also include colloquial expressions. 成语是由两个或两个以上的单词组成的一组,它们的意思超出了单个单词的字面意思。习语也包括口语表达。

For instance: “when he heard the news, he went bananas“. 例如:“当他听到这个消息时,他发疯了。”

Usually, when it comes to the English language, idioms are different from proverbs as far as sayings go based on the fact that they will be shorter. 通常,当涉及到英语时,习语和谚语是不同的,因为谚语会更短。

While proverbs are complete sentences, idioms are usually short incomplete statements. Examples of idioms that make up sayings include the following: at the drop of the hat, beat about the bush. 虽然谚语是完整的句子,但习语通常是简短的不完整陈述。构成谚语的成语的例子包括以下内容:在帽子的下降,击败灌木丛。

In general, idioms need to be combined with other words in order to convey their meaning properly. 一般来说,成语需要与其他单词结合才能恰当地传达其含义。

Proverbs 箴言

The word proverbs is often considered synonymous with the word sayings. They are usually part of every culture, and they have a very rigid structure, whereby missing out a single word can completely change their meaning.


Some common English proverbs include: actions speak louder than words, every cloud has a silver lining, a picture is worth a thousand words, better late than never and so forth.一些常见的英语谚语包括:行动胜于言语,乌云背后总有一线光明,一幅画胜过千言万语,迟做总比不做好等等。

The Importance of Learning Common Expressions and Sayings 学习常用表达和谚语的重要性

Learning English expressions and common sayings is very important for any English speaker. For one thing, these statements make it easier to put across some points without having to use many other words.


Additionally, the use of expressions and sayings is something that you will find in any language. Therefore, you cannot be said to have an adequate grasp of any language without having to master some of these expressions and sayings.


Furthermore, learning English expressions and sayings is important because it means you can understand what people are saying without misunderstanding them. Expressions and sayings often use words that convey a certain meaning beyond what the words themselves mean.


For instance, “kick the bucket” does not literally hit a bucket with your foot, but rather means someone has passed on. Therefore, without learning English expressions and common sayings, you would consistently misunderstand what many experienced speakers are saying.

例如,“kick the bucket”并不是字面上用脚踢桶,而是表示某人去世了。因此,如果不学习英语表达和俗语,你就会一直误解许多有经验的说话者所说的话。。

Also, learning expressions and sayings can help you improve your critical thinking skills, as you will get some wisdom from what some of these expressions say. For instance, the saying, “I never learned from a man who agreed with me” would help you understand that taking criticism constructively is a good way to improve your learning by identifying and working on your mistakes.




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