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2020-11-20 18:10:01



1.Previous research has shown that…;

2.It has been shown that…;

3.The principle of…is outlined;

4.The apparatus for…is described;

5.Automation of…is examined;

6.An account of…is given;

7.The use of…is addressed;

8.The mechanism of…is examined;

9.The dependence of…was established;

10.An analysis of…was carried out;

11.The purpose of the present study is/was to…;

12.The aim of our research is/was to…;

13.The objective of this investigation is/was to…;

14.This paper is intended to…;

15.This paper is to…;

16.The author(s) made this study in order to find out/discover/reveal/obtain/demonstrate/test…;

17.With the aim of…;

18.This paper deals with…;

19.Based on…,…is described/discussed/presented/analyzed/dealt with in this paper;

20.In this paper,…is discussed/explored/analyed。


1.The method of…was used to…;

2.The experiment was made to…;

3.The investigation has been conducted to…;

4.The data are derived by using…;

5.The experimental results are obtained by…;

6.The test was conducted with…;

7.A relationship is observed between…and…;

8.A theoretical procedure is described for…;

9.The method was based on…;

10.…can be achieved through/by using…。


1.The findings indicate that…;

2.The results indicate/show that…;

3.This paper concludes that…;

4.This study/investigation/research leads the author(s) to a conclusion th at…;

5.The research enables us to conclude that…;

6.It is concluded that…;

7.The results agree with…;

8.The test/experiment shows that…;

9.It is suggested that…;

10.These results will/can be significant for…。



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