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2020-11-20 19:10:02

Abstract Nouns: 160+ Common Abstract Nouns in English 摘要名词:160多种英语常用抽象名词

Learn useful list of 160+ Common Abstract Nounsin English with picture. 通过图片学习英语160+常用抽象名词的有用列表。

In English, Abstractnounsrefer to abstract objects which you cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste (ideas or concepts) 在英语中,抽象名词指的是你无法看到,听到,触摸,嗅觉或味觉的抽象对象(想法或概念)

A-Z List of Abstract Nouns in English A-Z英文摘要名词列表

Ability 能力Adoration 崇拜Advantage 优点Adventure 冒险Amazement 惊愕Anger 愤怒Annoyance 烦恼Anxiety 焦虑Appetite 食欲Apprehension 顾虑Artistry 艺术性Awareness 意识Awe 威严Beauty 美丽Belief 信仰Bravery 勇敢Brilliance 辉煌Brutality 残忍Calm 平静Care 护理Chaos 混乱Charity 慈善机构Childhood 童年Clarity 清晰Cleverness 聪明Coldness 冷淡Comfort 安慰Communication 沟通Compassion 同情Confidence 信心Confusion 混乱Contentment 满足Courage 勇气Crime 犯罪Curiosity 好奇心Customer service 客户服务Death 死亡Deceit 欺骗Dedication 奉献Defeat 失败Delay 延迟Delight 喜Despair 绝望Determination 判定Dexterity 灵巧Dictatorship 专政Disappointment 失望Disbelief 怀疑Dishonesty 不诚实Disquiet 忧虑Disregard 漠视Disturbance 骚乱Divorce 离婚Dream 梦想Education 教育Ego 自我Elegance 优雅Envy 羡慕Evil 邪恶Failure 失败Faith 信仰Fascination 魅力Fear 恐惧Fiction 小说Fragility 脆弱Freedom 自由Friendship 友谊Gain 获得Generation 一代Generosity 慷慨Goal 目标Goodness 善Gossip 流言蜚语Growth 增长Happiness 幸福Hate 讨厌Hatred 仇恨Hope 希望Horror 恐怖Hurt 伤害Idea 想法Infancy 婴儿期Infatuation 迷恋Inflation 通货膨胀Insanity 精神错乱Intelligence 情报Irritation 刺激Joy 快乐Justice 正义Kindness 善良Laughter 笑声Law 法律Liberty 自由Lie 谎言Life 生活Loneliness 孤独Loss 损失Love 爱Luck 运气Luxury 奢侈品Maturity 成熟Mercy 怜悯Movement 运动Music 音乐Nap 午睡Need 需要Opinion 意见Opportunity 机会Pain 疼痛Patience 耐心Peace 和平Peculiarity 特点Perseverance 毅力Pleasure 快乐Poverty 贫困Power 权力Pride 骄傲Principle 原则Reality 现实Relaxation 放松Relief 救援Religion 宗教Restoration 恢复Riches 财富Right 正确Rumour 谣言Sacrifice 牺牲Sanity 理智Satisfaction 满意度Self-control 自我控制Sensitivity 灵敏度Service 服务Shock 冲击Silliness 愚蠢Skill 技能Sleep 睡眠Sorrow 悲伤Speed 速度Strenght 力量Strictness 严格Success 成功Surprise 惊喜Talent 人才Thrill 兴奋Timing 时机Tiredness 疲劳Tolerance 宽容Trend 趋势Trust 信任Uncertainty 不确定性Unemployment 失业Union 联盟Unreality 不真实Victory 胜利Wariness 谨慎Warmth 温暖Weakness 弱点Wealth 财富Weariness 疲倦Wisdom 智慧Wit 智慧Worry 担心

Examples of Abstract Nouns | Image 抽象名词的例子



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