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2020-11-21 15:40:01



一、 正确的通知

1. 形式:书面及口头均可,从证据角度看,书面更好的证明通知实际发生。

2. 内容:明确、清楚地表达通知的内容,列如:“从你司购买的设备被A公司提出侵犯其专利权”、“我司已于今日货交A物流公司,请你司于后天在B港做好接货准备”等。

3. 时间:绝大多数通知没有固定的通知期限,但一般均要求在“合理时间内”通知对方,如鲜活产品或季节性强货物则需几天内甚至几小时内通知,保质期较长货品相对期间比较长。如买方未在合理时间内通知对方,则可能导致丧失追索瑕疵产品、知产权利瑕疵产品的救济权利。

二、 何种情况必须发送通知


三、 通知是否到达的法律后果



四、 律师作用


Significant role of notice in international trade

Most of commercial decisions should be notified to the other party in nowadays international trade. Giving the accurate notice not only represents the enterprise good commercial reputation, but also directly determines the legal liabilities burdened by enterprise. Due to many countries are member of CISG, the topics of this article are pursuant to this convention as legal basis.

一、 Accurate notice

1. Formality: in written or by oral are both allowed. Notice in written is a stronger evidence to prove it has been given from perspective of evidence.

2. Content: expresses the content of notice clearly and accurately, for example “equipments purchased from your company had been claimed for violation of the patent right by company A”, or,” we delivered the goods to transportation company A today, please prepare well to receive the goods at port B day after tomorrow” etc.

3. Time: there are no fixed periods for most of the notice, which is requested to be given in “reasonable time”. In circumstance of fresh products or seasonal goods, notice should be given in days or even in hours, of longer quality-guarantee period products, period would be longer. If buyer didn’t give notice to the seller in reasonable time, it would resort to the buyer be deprived of the right to rely on a lack of conformity of goods or IP right violation.

二、 The circumstances of notice must be given

Circumstances of notice must be given to the other party for one party being entitled to rely on rights according to convention are buyer gives notice to seller for lack of conformity of goods, buyer claims damages to seller or requires performance by seller or reduces the price, one party declares the contract void etc.

三、 Legal effect of notice arrival

1.“Principle of sending”, which means one party fulfills his performance of notice by giving or posting it and the notice becomes effective by then in law. Whether the other party receives the notice or not doesn’t impact the effectiveness of notice. Otherwise specifies in convention, most of notice apply the rule.

2.“Principle of arrival”, which means notice becomes effective when being received by the other party. Notice is void if it has been sent but doesn’t reach the other party by any reason. Only few notices are effective by this principle, such like article 47(2)”the seller will not perform within the period so fixed” and article 48(2)(3)(4)”A notice by the seller that he will perform within a specified period of time””the buyer does not comply with the request within a reasonable time” etc.

四、 Role of lawyer

Due to the rules of international trade are combined with common law system and civil law system, according to lawyer Chen of shanghai Kingtham lawyers, only lawyer with study of both law systems and practical work is able to provide correct legal opinions. In each phase of trade, whether to give notice or not, in which form or of what content of notice, at what time to give notice, whom will burden the obligation by failing to give notice and how to avoid risk, with legal opinions of lawyer expertise on international laws the legal rights of enterprise are guaranteed to be protected.



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