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2020-11-22 04:25:01



Nowadays, with the rapid development of science and technology, smart phones gradually appear in our lives. Indeed, smart phones make our life more convenient, for instance, we can install all kinds of applications on our smart phones for communication, entertainment, payment and accessing up-to-date news and so on. As for me, I often use my smart phone to shop online, pay for my goods and search for learning materials, which greatly saves my time and simplifies some complicated procedures, and with the time saved, I can do more things which I like. However, just as every coin has two sides, smart phones are no exception. The overuse or the addiction to smart phones tend to exert a negative impact on our life. Therefore, we should manage our time on smart phones properly. Generally speaking, I often set a time period for myself every day, such as two or three hours, and I usually use smart phones when it is necessary or on my spare time. I believe that smart phones would bring great possible advantages for us if used properly.




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