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2020-11-23 05:25:01


Write a letter to your American friend Jack, inviting him to attend Spring Festival Celebration with you. You should include the information you think relative.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do notsign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do notwrite the address. (10 points)


Dear Jack,

As we know, the Chinese Spring Festival is around the corner. Therefore, I’m now writing to invite you to join us to enjoy the Spring Festival Celebration.

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. People try their best to get back home and get together with their families wherever they are. It is our tradition to watch the Spring Festival Celebration with our family while we are enjoying the delicious dishes. If you can come to join us, you can personally experience the excitement of the Spring Festival and have a deep understanding about it.

I do hope that you can accept my invitation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming










Write an email to answer the inquiry from an international student, Jack, specifying details of the National Day.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.

Do notsign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.

Do notwrite the address. (10 points)


Dear Jack,

From your last letter, I have learned that you are interested in the Nation Day of China. Therefore, I’m now writing to tell you something about it.

As you know, China was founded on October 1st, 1949. Since then, October 1st is designated as the National Day. During the National Day, we have a holiday of about a week, which will be spent on travelling or visiting our relatives. Across the country, a variety of activities will be held to celebrate the Nation Day.

If possible, you can pay a visit to China and enjoy the day together with us. I’ll show you around t



Directions:Write an email to answer the inquiry from an international student, Jack, introducing the Dragon Boat Festival to him.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead.Do not write the address. (10 points)


Dear Jack,Having learned that you are interested in the Dragon Boat Festival, I’m now writing to tell you something about it.Dragon Boat Festival comes on the fifth day of May in the lunar calendar, which has been celebrated since the ancient China in honor of the great poet Qu Yuan, who jumped into the water and ended his life to demonstrate his love for his country. On that day, there will be a traditional competition, the dragon boat race. Every boat looks like the dragon. Besides the competition, the traditional food Zongzi is favored by everyone.If possible, you can pay a visit to China and experience the day together with us. I’ll show you around to enjoy the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival.参




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