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2020-11-24 08:45:02


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Zoos are sometimes seen as a necessary but poor alternative to a natural environment.

Do you think it is necessary to keep some animals in zoos?


We need zoos. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Give examples and reasons to develop your opinion.


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Zoos are sometimes seen as a necessary but poor alternative to a natural environment.

Do you think it is necessary to keep some animals in zoos?


In this essay, I shall outline why I feel that it is necessary to keep some animals in zoos and in similar facilities such as safari parks, even though Iagree that they are a poor alternative to a natural environment. (开头给出鲜明的观点)

The main reason that I think we need to keep some animals in zoos is that many zoos have expertise in breeding programmes that can be of great benefit to wild animals that are endangered or on the verge of extinction. Successful programmes include those for breeding elephants and pandas. Hopefully, the animals can then be released into the wild to live in natural environments rather than remain in the less satisfactory environments in captivity. (分论点+证据自圆其说)

Another reason for keeping some animal in zoos is for research. I think that studying animals in their natural habitats is better, but his may not always be feasible. Zoos usually employ experts who are able to learn more about animals from their behavior. (分论点+证据自圆其说)

A third reason for keeping animals in zoos is that, in my opinion, it is useful for members of the general public to be able to see animals (and in certain cases even interact with them). I feel that this is especially important for children and particularly useful in more developed countries where people often live in cities and have much less interaction with animals and the natural world than their forefathers. (分论点+证据自圆其说)

Of course, there are objections to keeping animals in zoos. Many people argue that it deprives the animals of their natural environments and causes stress for them. I think this is most true for larger mammals such as gorillas, tigers and elephants, but not necessarily true of other animals often found in zoos, such as snakes, spiders and fish. I agree that, in many cases, zoos need to improve the environment for certain animals and particularly provide them with more space. (评估反驳反方观点)

To conclude, I believe that zoos perform a useful function and that it is necessary to keep a limited number of animals there. (结尾重申观点)


We need zoos. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Give examples and reasons to develop your opinion.


Do we or don’t we need zoos? Personally, I agree with the statement. I think that we need zoos. We need zoos because they are educational, they are fun for families and they protect endangered animals. (开头给出鲜明的观点)

Zoos are educational. For example, when I was 12, my teacher took us to the zoo in Berlin. I had never seen wild animals before. I had just read about them in books and seen them on the TV. But seeing them in real life was amazing, especially the lions. On TV, they looked so small, but seeing them in the zoo they were really big. By going to the zoo, I definitely saw things in a whole new light.(分论点+证据自圆其说)

Zoos are also fun for families. For example, I have a family and we always go to the zoos every summer. My wife makes a picnic and we spend all day there. My kids love taking pictures and learning all about the animals, especially the gorillas. Being outside is good for my children. Best of all, they can leave the Internet and the TV at home. (分论点+证据自圆其说)

Finally, zoos protect endangered animals. For example, I saw two pandas in the zoo in Washington, D.C. last year and they had a baby. If there were no zoos, pandas would disappear because we are taking their land away. However, in a zoo the pandas are safe. It is not perfect, but without zoos there might not be any pandas left. (分论点+证据自圆其说)

For those reasons, I believe that we need zoos because they are educational, they are fun for families and they protect endangered animals. If you want to have fun and learn something new, you should go to a zoo. (结尾重申观点)





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