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2020-11-26 05:30:01



Chinese writer Mo Yan won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature.He is the one Chinese to get the prize. Yan was born on Febyuary i1955 and grew up in Shandong province . His parents were farmer.As a twelve-years-old boy, he left school to work. In 1976 he join the army . his first book published in 1981.He became famous because his novel Red Sorghum.The book was published in 1987 and later made into a film to Zhang Yimou.These years he wrote many famous novels or short stories .And many his works have been translated into many language.



句子He is the one Chinese to get the prize中, the one Chinese表述不对,the序数词意为“第……”,因此one改为first.句子Yan was born on Febyuary 1955 and grew up in Shandong province中,on Febyuary应该为:in Febyuary,因为in后常跟年,月,季度等时间。根据句义,His parents were farmer表意需要把可数名词farm应该改为复数:farmers.As a twelve-years-old boy, he left school to work中,需要把 welve-years-old改为welve-year-old.因为a twelve-year-old boy意为:一个十二岁的男孩。而twelve years old 为十二岁。句子In 1976 he join the army 中,In 1976提示谓语动词变为过去式,因此join改为joined.句子his first book published in 1981中,his first book与 published为被动关系,因此published前加was.because为连词,其后跟句子;而because of为介词短语,其后跟短语。因此句子He became famous because his novel Red Sorghum中,because后加of.根据句义The book was published in 1987 and later made into a film to Zhang Yimou这本书于1987年出版,后来被张艺谋拍成了电影,因此句中to改为by.句子These years he wrote many famous novels or short stories中 ,famous novels 和 short stories为并列关系,因此or改为and.many后跟可数名词复数,因此句子And many his works have been translated into many language中,language应改为languages.



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