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2020-11-29 00:55:01

TOEFL Independent Writing



Which one of the following do you think is the most important factor to help you work productively?

1. Having a working environment which is free of noise and distractions

2. Knowing that you will receive a reward

3. Doing something you are interested in


To do something you are interested in is to follow the passion of your life, being independent of the exterior circumstances or material rewards. Your passion to work hard at work worth doing can help you work productively. The secret factor is that, instead of calling it work, you seem to realize that it is play; and at the same time, it is energy.

Speaking of being productive, nothing is as important as passion, and no matter what you want to do with your life, you do it with the fun of of play. To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work and then you become your work. For this reason, you would not complain about a working environment that happens to be filled with noise and distractions, nor would you trade your passion for money alone. Productivity arises when you enjoy working as much as you enjoy playing in what you are interested in all the time. In this sense, there is no distinction between work and play. However, the line is rather clear between play and slavery in that work with passion is like play while work without passion is like slavery, and invariably what matters to work is productivity.

Furthermore, when it comes to productivity at work, passion is energy because without passion, you do not have energy; and without energy, you do not have productivity. Since passion is energy, you can feel the power that comes from focusing on what interests you or what excites you. In other words, you might as well think that passion is one great force that can unleash productivity along with creativity because if you are passionate about something, you are more willing to do it. So, if passion drives you, you are completely engaged in the here and now, and all of a sudden, other things appear to be irrelevant. If you do not love what you do, you would not do it with much energy simply because you are not passionate about it. If you feel like there is something out there that you are interested in, then immediately comes your energy to do it.

In conclusion, the most important factor to help you work productively is passion that provides the fun of play and generates the power of energy. In short, passion leads to productivity. As long as you are interested in doing something, probably you would not pay attention to those noises and distractions or to those prospects of being rewarded, and you just do it with passion.

A Logical Structure:

Introduction (Passion is the most important factor to help you work productively because passion provides the fun of play and generates the power of energy.)

Body A (Work with passion provides the fun of play that leads to productivity.)

Body B (Work with passion generates the power of energy that leads to productivity.)

Conclusion (Passion is the most important factor to help you work productively because passion provides the fun of play and generates the power of energy.)

Some Useful Words:

--to be free of 免于

--to fall in love with 爱上

--to complain about 抱怨

--to trade…for… 交换

--distinction 分辨

--slavery 奴役

--invariably 毫无变化地

--what matters is…. 重要的是

--to focus on… 把焦点放在…

--to unleash 释放出

--as long as… 只要…

--to pay attention to 专心注意



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