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2020-11-29 02:10:01



Agree or disagree?

Nowadays it is not important for people to have regularly family meals together.


Sample Answer:

With the development of modern society, having meals together with one’s family members has been regarded less and less important. Some people argue that it is not necessary for adults and kids to share their dinner time as a routine. They list a couple of situations where individuals have various kinds of reasons to miss a united meal, such as the one that parents may come home very late due to their busy work. However, in my perspective, spending time with each other at the dinner table has its own benefits and should be followed by us. My reasons and examples are listed as follows.

On the one hand, having meals together on a regular basis can help parents spend adequate time accompanying their children. During the daytime, adults in a family will be at work and the young will have classes in school. So usually it is the precious chance for the grown-ups to pay attention to their kids’ life, communicating with them and offering some advice to their puzzles. Take Black Obama, the former president of America as an example. Mr. and Mrs. Obama both had a tight schedule every day when Mr. Obama was in his presidency. In addition, Mrs. Obama, as a diligent lawyer, also needed to invest lots of time in her career. Nevertheless, this outstanding couple never missed their dinner with two daughters. Mr. Obama once told the media that during their meal time, nothing political or severe would be talked about; instead, their topics were all around ordinary things happening in kids’ school life, such as how to communicate with peers or the way to accomplish a composition. The reason why this couple is able to sustain this habit is they think it is one of the best methods to ensure their caring towards their daughters.

On the other hand, eating delicious food together in a fixed time can serve as a bridge for parents to teach their kids health eating habits. As an old saying goes, ‘You are what you eat.’ It tells us that whether or not the meal we eat is healthy may have a significant impact on our body condition, especially for the young one with a growing body. With regularly dinner together, the grown-ups can deliver some knowledge to their children. During my primary school years, my father insisted that we should have dinner together every week day in order to give advice to our eating. I still remember at that time, beef and pork were initially my favorite while I had no interests in vegetables. It took my parents several weeks to help me get used to eat certain kinds of vegetables such as broccoli each day. Thus actually led to a future balanced diet of me and it was proved to contribute a lot to my health.

In conclusion, having regular family meals has a couple of benefits. Spending time with family member regularly can not only strengthen the emotional bond among each one but also help the young in a family to obtain a healthy life style. (512 words)



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