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英文阅读35——Returning bluefin tuna

2020-12-01 05:00:01

Scientists delve into mystery of returning bluefin tuna科学家深入研究了回归的蓝鳍金枪鱼的奥秘

Researchers are investigating the reappearance of Atlantic bluefin tuna off Scotland. 研究人员正在调查苏格兰附近大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼的再现。

The fish were once a common sight around the British Isles, before disappearing in the 1990s. 在1990年代消失之前,鱼曾经是不列颠群岛周围的常见景象。

In the last five years, tuna have frequently been seen from late summer to winter. 在过去的五年中,从夏末到冬季经常看到金枪鱼。

The Western Isles, where the first recorded rod-line catch of an Atlantic bluefin tuna was made in 2013, is a focus of the research. 该研究的重点是Western Isles,该岛于2013年首次记录到大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼的杆状鱼钩。

The fish caught six years ago by Angus Campbell, an Isle of Harris-based boat operator, weighed 515lb (233kg). 六年前,位于哈里斯群岛的船长安格斯·坎贝尔(Angus Campbell)捕获的鱼重515磅(233千克)。

Bluefin tuna are one of the largest and fastest fish on the planet. They started declining in numbers off the British Isles from the 1940s. 蓝鳍金枪鱼是地球上最大,最快的鱼之一。从1940年代开始,他们在不列颠群岛附近的人数开始下降。

Scientists are working with Mr Campbell and experienced anglers to catch, tag and release bluefin tuna back into the sea. 科学家正在与坎贝尔先生和经验丰富的垂钓者合作,将蓝鳍金枪鱼捕捞,标记并释放回海。

The tags mean the movement of the fish can be tracked. 标签意味着可以跟踪鱼的运动。

Previously, bluefin tuna tagged off the remote Scottish archipelago of St Kilda were tracked to the Azores and the Bay of Biscay. 以前,在遥远的苏格兰圣基尔达群岛上标记的蓝鳍金枪鱼被追踪到亚速尔群岛和比斯开湾。

The latest research is being carried out by the Thunnus UK, a collaborative research project that includes the University of Exeter, The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) and the Tuna Research and Conservation Centre of Stanford University. 最新的研究由英国Thunnus进行,这是一个合作研究项目,包括埃克塞特大学,环境,渔业和水产养殖科学中心(Cefas)以及斯坦福大学金枪鱼研究与保护中心。

Scientist Tom Horton said little was known about why bluefin tuna had returned to British waters. 科学家汤姆·霍顿(Tom Horton)说,对于蓝鳍金枪鱼为何返回英国水域知之甚少。

He told BBC Scotland: "We are seeing Atlantic bluefin tuna coming back to the British Isles after a period of quite a long absence. 他告诉BBC苏格兰:“经过很长一段时间的缺席,我们看到大西洋蓝鳍金枪鱼回到不列颠群岛。

"The bottom line is we really know very little about this animal so we are here to try and figure out a little bit more." “最重要的是我们对这种动物的了解很少,所以我们在这里尝试弄清楚一点。”

He added: "Our long-term aim is to provide a baseline understanding of these in animals in the waters of the British Isles." 他补充说:“我们的长期目标是对不列颠群岛水域动物体内的这些物质提供基本的了解。”

Mr Campbell said he hoped that eventually enough bluefin tuna would return to Scottish waters for anglers to take trips to catch-and-release the fish. 坎贝尔先生说,他希望最终有足够的蓝鳍金枪鱼能回到苏格兰水域,供垂钓者去钓鱼和放鱼。

Scientists have been working with experienced anglers on the research project科学家一直在与经验丰富的垂钓者合作研究项目



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