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2020-12-01 10:10:01


4:Information, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as ( ).



解析:严格意义上讲,信息,是由一系列符号组成的消息。信息可以用记号来记录,或用( )来传递。 A、符号 B、消息 C、信号 D、波

9:A data warehouse is a subject-oriented data set used for reporting and analysis. Data warehouses can be subdivided into ( ), which store subsets of data from a warehouse.

A:OLTPsB:transactionsC:data martsD:OLAPs



A:联机事务处理 B:交易 C:数据集市 D:联机分析处理

9A( ) is a collection or projects and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives.

A:programB:portfolioC:project of large sizeD:PMO


解析:参考译文: ( )是一个集合或者是把项目和其它工作组合在一起,以便有效的进行管理工作,以满足战略经营目标。

A、计划 B、组合 C、大型项目 D、项目管理办公室(PMO)

13:Quality planning tools are often used to help plan effective quality management activities .( ) is one of such tools, which involves comparing actual or planned project practices to other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a basis by which to measure performance.

A:BenchmarkingB:Quality metricC:Quality checklistD:Brainstorming


解析:参考译文: 质量规划工具通常用来帮助计划有效的质量管理活动。( )是一个这样的工具,它通过与别的项目比较实际的或计划的项目活动,产生改进的建议,并且提供一个基准用来衡量业绩的依据。

A、基准 B、质量度量 C、质量检查表 D头脑风暴

14:The parties to government procurement refer to the principal entities of all kinds that enjoy rights and undertake obligations in government procurement, including the procuring entities, the ( ) and the procuring agencies.



解析:参考译文: 政府采购的当事人是指政府采购中各类享有权利和承担义务的主体,包括采购人、( )和采购代理。

A、用户 B、服务方 C、生产商 D、供应商

56:There are strategies typically deal with threats or risks that may have negative impacts on project objectives if they occur. Some other strategies are suggested to deal with risks with potentially positive impacts.( ) is a risk response strategy that may be adopted for either threats or opportunities.



解析:参考译文:当问题或者可能会对项目目标有负面影响的风险发生的时候,通常我们要有应对策略来处理。一些应对策略用来处理可能潜在积极影响的风险。( )是一种可以应对任何威胁或机会风险的应对策略。

A、分享 B、减轻 C、转移 D、接受

1You have just taken control of a project in the middle of execution and need to learn who has approval authority for revisions in scope. ( )document provides this information.

A:Resource assignment matrixB:Change control planC:Project charterD:Client organization chart


解析:你控制的项目处于实施阶段的中期,你要知道谁有权改变项目范围。( )文档能提供这个信息。


4An example of scope verification is ( )

A:review the performance of an installed software moduleB:managing changes to the project scheduleC:decomposing the WBS to a work package levelD:performing a benefit/cost analysis to determine if we should proceed with the project


解析:下列选项属于范围确认的是( )




D:进行收益/成本分析来确定项目是否继续进行 排除法!

18Your project is behind schedule due to conflict between team members. Having resolved the conflict, to get the project back on schedule, you should consider ( )

A:crashing the scheduleB:performing resource levelingC:conducting reverse resource allocation schedulingD:utilizing the critical chair resources


解析:由于团队成员之间有冲突使得项目进度滞后。要解决冲突使项目赶上进度,你应该( )


3Your company CEO just sent you an E-mail asking you to make a presentation on your project, which has been in progress for 10 months, to all identified internal and external stakeholders. He scheduled the presentation for next Monday. You expect more than 50 people to attend. The first step in preparing the presentation is to ( ).

A:define the audienceB:determine the objectiveC:decide on the general form of the presentationD:plan a presentation strategy


解析:你负责的项目已经进行了 10 个月,某天,公司的 CEO 给你发了一封电子邮件,要你向所有的、确定的、内部 和外部的干系人报告项目当前的情况,报告的时间定在了下周一,你预计可能会有 50 多人出席。报告准备的第一 步是确定目标。

A:明确报告的听众 B:确定目标 C:确定报告的总体格式 D:设计一个报告战略

16The most crucial time for project risk assessment is ( ).

A:when a problem surfacesB:during the planning phaseC:during the close-out phaseD:after the project schedule has been published



A:问题出现时 B:规划阶段 C:结束阶段 D:项目进度公布后

48:Stakeholder management refers to managing communications to satisfy the needs of, and resolve issues with, project stakeholders. The ( ) is usually responsible for stakeholder management.




A:项目管理办公室 B:首席信息官 C:变更控制委员会。 D:项目经理

16:The communication management plan determines the information and communications needs of the stakeholders. In the following statements related to communication management plan, ( )is false.

A:The communication management plan is contained in, or is a subsidiary plan of, the project management planB:The communication management plan can be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, and based on the needs of the projectC:The communication management plan organize and summarize the information gathered, and present the results of any analysis as compared to the performance measurement baselineD:The communication management plan can include guidelines for project status meetings, project team meetings, e-meetings, and e-mails


解析:沟通管理计划用于确定项目千系人的信息需求和沟通方法,以下关于沟通管理计划的叙述中,错误的是:沟通 管理计划定期收集、对比和分析基准与实际数据,以便了解和沟通项目进展与绩效情况。



C:沟通管理计划定期收集、对比和分析基准与实际数据,以便了解和沟通项目进展与绩效情况。 D:沟通管理计划可包括关于状态会议、项目团队回忆、网络会议和电子邮件等的指南。

2In requirements engineering, requirements elicitation is the practice of collecting the requirements of a system from users, customers and other stakeholders. In the following practices, ( ) is rarely used in requirements elicitation.

A:brain stormingB:interviewC:questionnaireD:Monte Carlo analysis


解析:在需求工程中,需求获取是从用户、客户和其他干系人中选择系统需求的过程。下列方法中,( )不是需求获取的方法。

A. 头脑风暴法 B. 会谈 C. 调差问卷 D. 蒙特卡洛法

3Software configuration management (SCM) is the task of tracking and controlling changes in the software. Configuration management practices include configuration identification, change control, ( ) and configuration audit.

A:milestones markingB:status reportingC:stakeholder managementD:quality audit


解析:软件配置管理用来跟踪并控制软件的变化。配置管理过程包括配置标识、变更控制、( )和配置审计。

A. 里程碑标记 B. 状态报告 C. 干系人管理 D. 质量监查

6( ) is the process of documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling change and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a continuous process throughout a project.

A:Integrated managementB:Configuration managementC:Scope managementD:Requirements management


解析:( )是一个过程,该过程用来对需求进行记录、分析、跟踪、优先级排序并确认、然后进行变更控制并与干系人联系。它是一个贯穿于项目始终的连续过程。

A. 整体管理 B. 配置管理 C. 范围管理 D. 需求管理

8:( ) is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws.

A:Human resource managementB:Strategic analysisC:Team managementD:RACI


解析:( )用来吸引、选择、培训、考核以及奖励员工,同时负责组织领导和企业文化,并确保组织遵守相关雇佣和劳动法。

A. 人力资源管理 B. 策略分析 C. 团队建设 D. RACI RACI:是一个相对直观的模型,用以明确组织变革过程中的各个角色及其相关责任。

11The intention of the( )is to schedule, organize and control all activities to achieve the project goal eventually. No matter how difficult it is and what kind of risks are there.

A:project work breakdownB:Project security authenticationC:Project managementD:Project flowchart


解析:无论项目有多困难,也不管它存在哪些风险,( )的目的就是通过计划、组织和控制项目的所有活动,来最终实现项目目标。

A、项目工作分解 B、项目安全鉴定 C、项目管理 D、项目流程图

1:The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event is. The more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The amount of information is measured in ( ).



解析:事件的不确定性可以由该事件的发生概率计算,它们成反比关系。事件越不确定,解决该事件所需的信息量就越大。信息量由( )来衡量。

A、可能性 B、bits C、bps D、概率 bit中文名称是位,音译“比特”,是用以描述电脑数据量的最小单位。 bps,中文名称比特率,又称为位率、码率,比特/秒,位/秒,每秒传送位数。

15Setting redundant components in subsystem to handle with the risks brought by the defaults of original components, what kind of risk response strategy is this? ( )

A:risk avoidanceB:risk acceptanceC: risk mitigationD:contingency plan


解析:在子系统中增加冗余元件,以应对主元件失效,这种风险应对策略属于( )

A、风险避免 B、风险接受 C、风险减轻 D、应急计划

27:Requirements management is the process of ( ),analyzing,tracing,prioritizing and agreeing on requirements and then controlling changes and communicating to relevant stakeholders. It is a persistent process throughout a project. A requirement is a capability to which a project outcome(product or service)should conform.



解析:需求管理是对需求进行( )、分析、跟踪、排序、确认,进行变更控制并与项目干系人进行沟通的一系列过程。它是作为一个过程贯穿项目始终。项目成果(产品或服务)应符合项目需求。 A、沟通 B、收集 C、归档 D、记录

5:all of the following are functions of CRM system except ( )

A:automation procurementB:automation salesC:automation marketingD:automation customer service


解析:以下不属于CRM功能的是( )

A、自动化的采购 B、自动化的销售 C、自动化的市场营销 D、自动化的客户服务

49:all the following tools and techniques are helpful to accurately confirming customers needs, except ( )

A:questionnairesB:prototyping approachesC:fishbone diagramsD:interviews


解析:以下所有的工具和技术有助于准确地确定客户的需求,除了( )

A、问卷调查 B、原型法 C、鱼骨图 D、访谈

1Some team leaders think that the only way to ( )their team is through cash incentives. However research proves that money is the last thing you would want to use



解析:一些团队领导认为( )团队的唯一方式就是用钱。但研究表明,这是最坏的方法。

A、激发 B、鼓励 C、刺激 D、激励

14In the ( ) phase, team members begin to work together and adjust their work habits and behaviors to support the team. The team learns to trust each other.



解析:在团队建设的( )阶段,团队成员开始一起工作,并调整自己的工作习惯和行为举止来支持团队。团队开始互相信任。

A、震荡 B、发挥 C、规范 D、结束

21The main types of social networking services are those that contain category places (such as former school year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages), and a recommendation system linked to ( ).



解析:(来源于英文版维基百科关于“社交网络”的介绍) 社交网络服务通过一个与信任相关的推荐系统,让人们与朋友(通常有自我描述页)相联系,他们往往出自某一个地方(比如都来自于同一所学校)。 A、网络 B、兴趣 C、其他的 D、信任

22The ( ) is primarily concerned with acceptance of the deliverables, while quality control is primarily concerned with correctness of the deliverables and meeting the quality requirements specified for the deliverables

A:verify scopeB:define scopeC:quality assuranceD:validate scope


解析:( )过程主要用来接受可交付物,而质量控制则致力于使可交付物与其质量要求相符。

A、范围确认 B、范围定义 C、质量保证 D、范围生效

8:The following diagram is( )network topology structure.



解析:下图所示的是( )种网络拓扑结构 A、总线型 B、星型 C、环型 D、树型

8When multiple routers are used in interconnected networks, the routers exchange information about( )using a dynamic routing protocol。

A:destination addressesB:IP addressesC:work addressesD:router addresses



A、目的地址 B、IP地址 C、工作地址 D、路由地址

3Establishing a project management timetable involves listing milestones, activities, and( )with intended start and finish dates, of which the scheduling of employees may be an element。



解析:建立项目管理时间表需要里程碑列表、各活动、以及含有估计开始和结束时间的( ),其中员工的调度被看作为元素。 A、关系 B、资源 C、干系人 D、可交付物

41:Before a project schedule can be created, the schedule maker should have a( ), an effort estimate for each task, and a resource list with availability for each resource。

A:work breakdown structureB:baselineC:software requirements specificationD:plan


解析:制定项目进度计划之前,制定计划者需要()、各任务的工作量估计以及可得到的资源列表 A、工作分解结构 B、基线 C、软件需求描述 D、计划

21:Wireless LAN, also widely known as WLAN or WIFI, is probably the most well-known member of the IEEE802 protocol family for home users today. It is standardized by( )and shares many properties with wired Ethernet。

A:IEEE 802.1B:IEEE 802.3C:IEEE 802.5D:IEEE 802.11


解析:无线局域网(被广泛称之为WLAN或WIFI)是人们最为熟悉的IEEE802协议族。它由( )协议定义标准并具备许多有限局域网的特性。 A、IEEE 802.1 B、IEEE 802.3 C、IEEE 802.5 D、IEEE 802.11

13( )estimating is a technique for estimating the duration or cost of an activity or project using historical data from a similar activity or project.

A:ParametricB:AnalogousC:Three-pointD:Expert judgment


解析:( )估算技术是利用类似的活动或项目的历史数据来估算一个项目或活动的持续时间或成本。 A、参数 B、类比 C、三点 D、专家判断

10:If the approved change requests have an effect on the project scope, then the corresponding component documents and cost baselines, and( ) of the project management plan are revised and reissued to reflect the approved changes

A:developing baselinesB:testing baselinesC:schedule baselinesD:ending baselines


解析:如果一个批准的变更对项目范围有影响,那么相关的文档以及项目管理计划中的成本基线和( )就要进行修订和更新,以反映这个变更。

A、开发基线 B、测试基线 C、进度基线 D、收尾基线

53:Schedule compression shortens the project schedule without changing the project scope, to meet schedule constraints, imposed dates, or other schedule objectives. Schedule compression techniques include crashing and ( )

A:fast trackingB:what-if scenario analysisC:resource levelingD:critical chain method


解析:进度压缩技术能够在不改变项目范围的前提下满足进度约束。进度压缩技术包括赶工和( ) A、快速跟进 B、假设情景分析 C、资源平衡 D、关键链法



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