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2020-12-03 19:10:01



就多选题而言,它考察的能力最主要的有两个。第一个是所有细节题都考察的细节抓取能力,当然多选题对这个能力要求更高。第二个就是我们今天要说的重点——结构识别能力。多选题所谓的考点提示词其实在提示大家段落结构的形式。(偶尔会是段间结构或句内结构) 多选题通常考察的结构有两种,我们按考察的频率来一一分析。

1 总分结构


Now, there are some very good reasons to approach the material in this way.

First,well, we don't have very much ancient Greek music studied.

Only about 45 pieces survived... uh... these are mostly records of poems and songs.

And we are not sure how well we can reproduce the melodies or rhythms, because they were apparently improvised in many cases.

So we really don't know all that much about what the music sounded like.

What two reasons does the professor give for approaching the lecture material as he does?

Click on 2 answers

A.We have a limited idea of what ancient Greek music sounded like.

B.The Greek philosophy of music influenced Western thought

C.Greek music shared many characteristics with other types of ancient music.

D.Greek melodies were admired by musicians from other cultures

总分结构是最常见也是最容易辨识的。它的提示词通畅分总起提示(some reasons)和并列提示(first, and)两种。常见的提示词如下:


Two, three, several, a few, many,

some, a number of


Also, plus, part of, one [of], else, neither, and, first, then, next

2 对比结构


My personal opinion is that they have to be different groups of people because developers often have a bias for their own work, and it blinds them to certain problems that might be obvious to somebody else. So it is always good to have a different set of eyes to go in there and make sure that everything is tested properly.

Ok, now, here‘s the key.

Developers and testers have different mentalities. The mentality of the software developer is constructive, creative. They are spending long hours working together to create and build something new.

A software tester, on the other hand, their entire goal is to look at this product and find problems with it, to improve it.

What points does the professor make about software developers?

Click on 2 answers

A.The work they do is mainly creative.

B.They enjoy the challenge of identifying problems to fix.

C.Their work is easier than the work of software testers.

D.They are not always able to detect software problems.



On the other hand/ instead/ however/ difference/ compare to


At that time/ when/ traditionally/ originally




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