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小托福阅读模拟测试题 附备考词汇

2020-12-03 19:10:01



A simple piece of clothesline hangs between some environmentally friendly Americans and their neighbors.

On one side stand those who see clothes dryers (干衣机) as a waste of energy and a major polluter of the environment. As a result, they are turning to clotheslines as part of the “what-I-can-do environmentalism (环境保护主义).”

On the other side are people who are against drying clothes outside, arguing that clotheslines are unpleasant to look at. They have persuaded Homeowners Associations (HOAs) access the U.S. to ban outdoor clotheslines, because clothesline drying also tends to lower home value in the neighborhood. This has led to a Right-to-Dry Movement that is calling for laws to be passed to protect people’s right to use clotheslines.

So far, only three states have laws to protect clothesline. Right-to-Dry supporters argue that there should be more.

Matt Reck, 37, is the kind of eco-conscious (有生态意识的) person who feeds his trees with bathwater and reuses water drops from his air conditioners to water plants. His family also uses a clothesline. But on July 9, 2007, the HOA in Wake Forest, North Carolina, told him that a dissatisfied neighbor had telephoned them about his clothesline. The Recks paid no attention to the warning and still dried their clothes on a line in the yard. “Many people say they are environmentally friendly but they don’t take matters into their own hands,” says Reck. The local HOA has decided not to take any action, unless more neighbors come to them.

North Carolina lawmakers are saying that banning clotheslines is not the right thing to do. But HOAs and housing businesses believe that clothesline drying reminds people of poor neighborhoods. They worry that if buyers think their future neighbors can’t even afford dryers, housing prices will fall.

Environmentalists say such worries are not necessary, and in view of global warming, that idea needs to change. As they say, “The clothesline is beautiful. Hanging clothes outside should be encouraged. We all have to do at least something to slow down the process of global warming.”




1. One of the reasons why supporters of clothes dryers are trying to ban clothesline drying is that ______.

A. clothes dryers are more efficient B. clothesline drying reduces home valueC. clothes dryers are energy-saving D. clothesline drying is not allowed in most U.S. states

答案:B。由第三段中的because clothesline drying also tends to lower home value in the neighborhood,可知B为正确答案。

2. Which of the following best describes Matt Reck?

A. He is a kind-hearted man.B. He is an impolite man.C. He is an experienced gardener. D. He is a man of social responsibility.

答案:D。从第五段中的Matt Reck, 37, is the kind of eco-conscious person ... 和Reck所发表的言论:Many people say they are environmentally friendly but they don’t take matters into their own hands,可知Matt Reck是一个有责任心的环保主义者。

3. Who are in favor of clothesline drying?

A. Housing businesses.B. Environmentalists.C. Homeowners Associations. D. Reck’s dissatisfied neighbors.


4. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. Clothesline drying: a way to save energy and money.B. Clothesline drying: a lost art rediscovered.C. Opposite opinions on clothesline drying.D. Different varieties of clotheslines.

答案:C。由文章第二、三段中On one side ... On the otherside ... 以及后面双方针锋相对的观点可知C为正确答案。


intention n. 目的

turmoil n. 混乱

depose v. 罢免

allegiance n. 效忠,忠诚

split v. 脱离

disrupt v. 扰乱

title n. 头衔

comply v. 遵从

influential a. 有影响力的

abundant a. 大量的

civilization n. 文明

object v. 反对

announce v. 宣布

inherit v. 继承

assume v. 假定

diversity n. 多样性

occur v. 发生

noted a. 著名的

violate v. 违反

scale n. 规模



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