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2020-12-03 23:10:01



托福听力多选题有两种形式,一种是四选二,另一种是五选三。在做这类题中,跟做单选题并没有本质上的区别,首先,要根据提示词和十三原则,记录重点信息。然后,分析题目和选项;最后,根据文章内容选择答案。小编要提醒大家的是做多选题和单选题唯一的区别是:除了常规的信号词和听力十三原则还要留意名词或量词和并列词,比如:factors, reasons, conditions, ingredients, different kinds, categories, elements, a number of, sorts;not only, but also, also, and, the first one, then, finally, another, other, plus, part, for one thing, for another, or, else等。为让更清晰的看明白,请看以下例子:

TPO35Conversation 2第三题

Why do librarians think students are suitable for working in libraries?

1.One of the staff resigned.

2.This is the beginning of the semester.

3.The library was recently approved to hire extra staff.

4.Not all students are looking for work at this time.

分析完题目和选项之后,定位原文为: Librarian: We are a little short of staff right now. Someone quit recently, so things aren’t getting reshelved as quickly as usual. I don’t think they’ve hired replacement yet, so, yeah, the un-shelved books can get a bit out of hand. The job might still be open. At the beginning of the semester we were swamped with applications, but I guess everyone who wants the job has one by now.

从上文可以看出图书管理员说 a little short of staff现在图书馆现在比较缺人手,Someone quit recently,最近有人辞职了所以缺人手。然后又说I guess everyone who wants the job has one by now其它的人都已经有工作了,而这个学生还没有工作,因此本题的答案选AD。对于这道题的解答也是有难度的,因为这道题目中没有明显的提示词,所以考生要根据上下文进行总结。考生还可以根据常识来考虑,为什么这个工作适合学生,那是因为学生需要找工作,而且只有图书馆缺人才会招人,所以本题的答案为AD选项。


But how is that proof that the Sahara used to be a lot wetter? I mean the people who painted those hippos, well, couldn’t they have seen them on their travels?


Okay, in principle they could, Karl. But the rock paintings aren’t the only evidence. Beneath the Sahara are huge aquifers, basically a sea of fresh water, that’s perhaps a million years old filtered through rock layers. And…er…and then there is fossilized pollen, from low shrubs and grasses that once grew in the Sahara. In fact these plants still grow, er…but hundreds of miles away, in more vegetated areas. Anyway, it’s this fossilized pollen along with the aquifers and the rock paintings, these three things are all evidence that the Sahara was once much greener than it is today, that there were hippos and probably elephants and giraffes and so on.

此段音频中学生提问,老师回答。一般同学会在听完后直接摘录笔记词 rock paiting,plants。有同学疑问为什么整段音频这么多就只摘录了这两个词记笔记。大多数同学的问题是听的过程中不能很好的其中所蕴含的逻辑关系,将文字笼统的认为就是两个核心一个rock painting 一个plants因为这两个词重复率比较高,完全执行了一次机械的听的过程。我们来细看文本分析会发现此段文字的逻辑结构非常清晰,如果我们能关注逻辑提示词的话。首先学生提问,那我们要记住关注的逻辑就是要从回答的第一句来看看问题有没有得到解决。教授的回答第一句很笼统只是对学生的假设进行了赞同,赞同我们可以不用太关注,知道是赞同就可以了。当到文章的第二句话,but the rock paintings aren’t the only evidence我们就要给自己一个提示,这里要罗列两个以上的东西,而托福听力中多选题的题点对应处往往就是在这样的地方,所以我们围绕rock painting这个点去听,找到他的结束点。马上听到了第二个和rock painting不一样的核心词aquifers 如若不认识,先根据发音记录下形状,后面马上听到了两次同位语解释 sea和water,一样可以理解,围绕这三个词听完这个点,立马出现了and,and then这样的逻辑提示词,预示第三个罗列内容出现了,这个时候我们马上记录下pollen这个词,然后围绕pollen这个词听到这个核心的结束。然后老师用了anyway这个逻辑词,采用It’s this A along with B and C的罗列句型将之前提到的三个证据再次以罗列的形式重复一遍,再加上these three things are all evidence这个点收掉整个学生所提的问题这个段落。


13.Not long ago, the Sahara had a different climate. What evidence does the professor mention to support this(3)

A. lAncient pollen

B. lBones from large animals

C. lRock paintings

D. lAgriculture in ancient Egypt

E. lUnderground water






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