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2020-12-04 09:30:02


1. 外贸邮件开始问候语



4. 外贸邮件结束语


6. 外贸邮件末尾写名字的不同方法




Dear Mr/ Ms/ Dr/ Professor + family name (= Dear Mr./ Ms./ Dr./ Prof + family name)Dear AlexHi (John)Dear Sir or Madam对多人的问候

Dear allHi (everyone/ guys)To: All faculty members/ To: New recruits/ To: All members/ To:…02 外贸邮件开场白


Thank you for your email (yesterday/ of 12 May) about…Thanks for your email this morning/ earlier/ yesterday/ on Monday/ last week/…Thanks for your quick reply./ Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.Thanks for your phone call this morning/ the information about/ your interest in/ your help with/ your hospitality in…/…Thanks for sending me/ for contacting me about/ for attending/ asking us about/ informing us/ giving us feedback on/ inviting me to/ talking to me about…It was great/ so nice to see you again on Monday.(I) just read your email about/ (I) just got your message about/ (I) just got your request for…It was a pleasure/ my great pleasure to meet you last week.Sorry for my late reply/ Sorry it took me so long to get back to you/ Sorry not to reply sooner (but/ but I had to…).Thank you for finding the time to meet me/ talk to me/ attend…Sorry it’s been so long since I was last in touch/ since my last email.在开场白提出邮件的目的

I’m writing to you about your latest model/ about the meeting next week/ about your presentation yesterday/ about…I am writing to you in connection with/ with regards to/ regarding/ concerning…I’m writing (in order) to ask/ to enquire/ to confirm/ to check/ to inform you/ to follow up on/ to let you know/ to tell you/ to thank you/ to invite you to/ to update you on/ to announce that/ to ask for a favour/ to…(This is) just a quick note to say…As promised/ As we discussed, I’m writing to send you/ to…I’m writing (to you) because I have just found out that/ because I thought you’d like to know that/ because I need/ because…Sorry to write out of the blue, but…Sorry to write again so quickly, but/ Sorry to bother again so soon, but…Sorry, in my last email I forgot to…社交型开场白/友好型开场白

(I) hope you had a good weekend/ a good evening/ a good trip (to…)/ a good time/ a good holiday/ a good break/ a good…How’s it going?/ How are things?/ How’s life?/ How are you doing?I hope you (and your family) are (all) well.(来源:红板砖开发信)以上内容属作者个人观点,不代表雨果网立场!本文经原作者授权转载,转载需经原作者授权同意。




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