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2020-12-04 22:10:01

Members of the Family in English | Names of Family Members


Members of the Family 家庭成员

Learn Members of the Family in English through pictures and examples. 通过图片和例子学习家庭成员的英语。

Family is importantno matter what language you speak. In the context of human society, a family is a group of people affiliated either by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence or some combination of these. 无论你说什么语言,家庭都很重要。在人类社会的背景下,一个家庭是由血缘关系,亲和力或共同居住或这些的某种组合附属的一群人。

List of family members in English 英文家庭成员名单

Great-grandfather 曾祖父Great-grandmother曾祖母Great-uncle 大叔Grandfather 爷爷Grandmother 祖母Great-aunt 大姨妈Uncle 叔叔Aunt 阿姨Father 父亲Mother 妈妈Uncle (Husband of Aunt) 叔叔(阿姨的丈夫)Sister 姐姐Brother-in-law 姐夫Brother 兄弟Sister-in-law 嫂子Husband 丈夫Wife 妻子Cousin 堂兄Cousin’s wife 表姐的妻子Cousin 堂兄Cousin’s husband 表姐的丈夫Nephew 侄子Niece 侄女Son 儿子Daughter-in-law 媳妇Daughter 女儿Son-in-law 女婿First cousin once removed 远房表亲Grandson 孙子Granddaughter 孙女

Family Members Tree | Picture 家庭成员树|图片

Family Members | Picture 1 家庭成员

Members of the Family in English | Picture 2 英语家庭成员

Family Vocabulary | Picture 家庭词汇

Men in the Family 家庭中的男人

Men in the FamilyVocabulary List 家庭词汇表中的男性

Great-grandfather 曾祖父Grandfather/ Grandpa 祖父/爷爷Father/ Daddy/ Pa 父亲/爸爸/ PaHusband 丈夫Uncle 叔叔Father-in-law 岳父Brother 兄弟Nephew 侄子Boy 男孩Baby boy 男婴Twin boys 双胞胎男孩Cousin 堂兄Brother-in-law 姐夫Boyfriend 男朋友

Men in the Family | Picture 家庭中的男人

Women in the Family 家庭中的女性

Women in the FamilyVocabulary List 女性家庭词汇表

Great-grandmother 曾祖母Mother/ Mom/ Mommy 妈妈/妈妈/妈妈Cousin 堂兄Niece 侄女Daughter 女儿Aunt 阿姨Girl twins 女孩双胞胎Girl 女孩Sister 姐姐Girlfriend 女朋友Wife 妻子Teen 青少年

Women in the Family | Picture 家庭中的女性

Human Life Cycle 人的生命周期

Learn English Vocabulary for Human Life Cycle. 学习人类生命周期的英语词汇

Be born 出生Start school 开始上学Make friends 交朋友Graduate 毕业生Get a job 找份工作Fall in love 坠入爱河Get married 结婚Have a baby 生个孩子Divorce 离婚Emigrate 移民Retire 退休Make a will 立遗嘱Die 死

Human Life Cycle – Picture 人的生命周期



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