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雅思口语Part 2题目“常穿的衣服”高分范文

2020-12-04 23:50:01


常穿的衣服Describe a piece of clothing you often wear.You should say:

what it looks like;

how often you wear it;

where you got it;

dressing style


Like any girl , I used to buy tons of clothes every year.

Some are worn more often, some just never leave the wardrobe. Knowing this, I have become more conscious of the clothes I buy. I try to make sure every piece is functional,versatile, and it is something that will never go out of vogue.

That said, one of the clothes I own which can exemplify those standards is this little black dress I am wearing, which I really like. (所以其中一件可以满足上述要求的衣服就是我身上的这条裙子,我非常喜欢它!) They say every girl should have a little black dress. And I absolutely concur with that. (完全认同) I think a dress of good quality and design can carry you through casual and formal occasions alike . I got this dress from Topshop about 2 years ago. I cannot remember the price exactly, but it was definitely under HK 5oo. There are tons of merits about the dress.

First of all, I really like the design. I think a nice dress should be able to amplify the curves of your body. And this dress really does that . As you can probably see, there are some ruffle designs around the waistline and also on the arms. I think that is an ingenious design because it just hugs your body so well. It can amplify the curves of your body. I also think that the designer really understood women. Because this design can really bring out the feminine side of woman’s body. The second designs I like is about the hemline. You can’t see it right now , but the hemline is asymmetrical, which means one side is shorter and the other side is longer. This design is really fun because as you move the hemline also moves with you . And this just adds a touch of vividness to your movement . (这让你的动作感觉更灵动。)

And the second thing I like about the dress is the fabric. As you can probably tell , the fabric is polyester, which means it is quite silky, and more importantly wrinkle-free,(你可能可以分辨,布料是聚酯纤维,所以它比较滑而且更重要的是不会起皱) which can save you the trouble of ironing the dress after wash. So ,it is a very good grab-and-go dress. Also , is it fairly light -weight ,so it can be easily rolled up , folded and packed into your suitcase . It is ideal for trips. (旅途友好)

Actually, last year when I went to Oxford, on an important college dinner, this was the dress I wore. I completed the look with a pair of red , satin heels(缎面高跟) from L.K. Bennett and a Chanel cross-body handbag. I think it was really appropriate to the occasion . That being said,(综上所述)。 I think the dress is really functional because it can be easily dressed up with a pair of stilettos, which is classy and elegant. Or it can be dressed down in a effortlessly chic way with a pair of white sneakers. That’s why I like the dress so much.


Be conscious of sth / 对某事在意,慎重意识到,刻意

versatile / 多用途的,多功能的

exemplify (v)/ 举例证明,例证

concur with ……/ 赞同,一致同意

merit / 优点,美德,价值

amplify (v)/ 放大,增强(声音)

curves (n)/ 曲线,线条(the curves of shoulder/neck/body,etc)

ruffle(v/n)/ 弄皱,弄乱,使不平整;皱褶,荷叶边

ingenious / 巧妙的,精巧的

feminine / 女性的(气质外貌)

hemline / 裙边,下摆,裙摆

asymmetrical (adj)/ 不对称的



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