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雅思口语素材范文 P2

2020-12-05 00:10:01


Describe a place where you often visit with your friends or family

You should say:

Where the place is

How you know the place

How you go there

Why you want to visit


I and my family often visit my parents’ house. As you know, I am already married and I live in another province. Currently, we live in my husband’s hometown which is located in the southern part of the district.

My hometown is in the province of Hubei and from this place, it takes 2-3 hours to get there by car. You may also ride a bus but it could take 3-4 hours to get there.

Before, people from this place could go to my hometown by train but due to a typhoon that hit the place somewhere in 2000, the railways have been damaged and are still under construction as of this time. I even remember my grandmother who used to tell me that she traveled by train every time they had to get their products from the city capital. I think train was the oldest mode of transportation in my province.

I know this place very much because that is where I spent my childhood and that is the place where my parents raised us. This place is close to my heart as it reminds me of the good old days. I have tons of special memories in my hometown which I will forever treasure.

My parents’ house is located inside a subdivision or a village. When I was young, I remember every summer most of the kids in the village would go to summer camps. I and my siblings were always looking forward to that as we would be buying a lot of food which we could bring during the camp, however; these days, the kids in our village no longer have this kind of activity, maybe because they just stay at home and busy with their gadgets. How I wish they could also experience joining outdoor activities and have fun with other kids in the village. If only I have the chance to live there, I will implement programs for kids or youth for them to socialize more.

Although I live in a different city, I and my husband make sure that we go there at least once a month to see my mother and to visit my other relatives. During these times, I am able to check the house, like its structures and I am able to experience again how to sleep in my old bedroom where I and my older sister used to sleep when we were young. It is nostalgic as I reminisce the moments I had in our old house. It is such a trip down memory lane, especially for our family when we take out our photograph albums.


Where the place is?

Your hometown, an old restaurant, library, school, a coffee shop

How you know the place?

§ This is the place where you spent your childhood/this is the place where you love to dine or to eat as they provide sumptuous food or affordable meals/this is the place you usually go to because you are still studying and you need much resources when making school works/this is the place where you usually have your meetings

How you go there?

§ By car/ by bus/ by train/ by plane/ on foot

Why you want to visit?

§ To see your family/to visit your relatives/to eat/ to relax/ to study

When talking about the place where you often visit with your family or friends

§ If it is your hometown: You can give its name, its location, the people living there and the memories you have had

§ If it is a restaurant or an old restaurant: You can give its name, its location, the menu or the food and the number of times you go there

§ If it is a library: Usually people go to libraries to study or to conduct research work. Aside from these two, you may also say that you go to the library if you want to have some quiet time; it is also good to describe the place; the ambiance; the common material/references that you read in the library; the kind of people who go there.

§ If it is a school: You can give its name, the location, the people you meet or you see there, the buildings that you see in the campus, the different courses that it offers or the number of departments that it has

§ If it is a coffee shop: You can give its name, the location, the people you meet or you see there, the drinks whether they serve hot, cold or even both kinds of beverages, the types of food that they serve and if it is a WFi access point


§ Province- an area that is governed as part of a country or an empire

§ Childhood- the time when someone is a child

§ The good old days-If you talk about the good old days, you mean a time in the past when you believe life was better

§ Tons of- ton or tons of something is a very large amount

§ Memory-something that you remember from the past

§ Relative- a member of your family

§ Nostalgic-feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that happened in the past

§ Reminisce- to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with pleasure

§ Take a stroll/trip/walk down memory lane-deliberately recall pleasant or sentimental memories

§ Photograph album- or photo album; a type of book in which you keep photos


Your ability to talk about this Cue Card would enable you to talk about the following Cue cards as well:

§ Describe a public place that you think need improvements

§ Describe an important river or area of water in your country

§ Describe an interesting place that few people know





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