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久一英语 6

2020-12-05 00:50:02


1) Do you often wear makeup?

Sample answer:

Not really. It’s unlikely for a university student to make up too often, since our schedule is too tight. But sometimes I will wear makeup under certain circumstance like job interview, for the sake of respect.


解析:此题大家可以根据自身情况进行简单的阐述,尽量避免用一些复杂的词汇(如化妆品 13 品牌)而影响流利度。落脚点可以放在 often 上,针对特定情况,简单说明化妆或不化妆的 原因。

2) What does wearing makeup mean to you?

It is not a must for me. Because I usually spend most time on my study, makeup seems to be a waste of time. So it doesn’t mean too much for me.

解析:大家同样可以根据自身情况来说明化妆的意义重大或一般。可以在第一个问题的基础 上进行一些理由上的借鉴和同意转换。比如第一个问题回答不经常化妆,那么大家就可以套 用不化妆的理由(同意表达)。

3) Do you give makeup as gifts?

Of course, but I only give it to my female friends. You know, almost all the girls wanna be looked beautiful, so cosmetics are not a bad choice for them.

解析:站在女生的角度上来回答此题,基本都会回答 Yes。因为爱美之心人皆有之,尤其是 女生,所以化妆品是个不错的选择。这样回答,思路上不会太复杂,涉及单词也相对比较容 易想到。当然,男生也可以采用同样的思路来回答。

4) What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup?

Sample answer:

It’s acceptable. Nowadays in many cultures, men are more liable to make up than before, since they believe that everyone has right to be charming by wearing makeup, so do I. Thus, it’s totally a normal phenomenon.


解析:回答此题是大家最好不要出现性别歧视的观点,否则在词汇上和讨论深度上都会有一 定的难度。简单说明不管男女,都有权利通过化妆变得好看,便可以避开难点。


1) Do you like going shopping?

Probably no.Cuz, you know, shopping is very tiring and time-consuming. I’d rather lie on the bed to relax physically and mentally after my busy work.

解析:此题大家可以从不喜欢的角度去分析一两个原因。当然,也可以回答喜欢购物,从购 物的频率,喜欢去的商场,一起购物的人等方面进行简单的扩充即可。

2) Do you go shopping online?

Absolutely yes. Since I knew about Taobao, I seldom go to the stores. Because I can find everything that I need on it at a reasonable price, with just a click.

解析:可以从网上购物的优或缺点这个思路上去想这个题。大家也可以结合自身经验和感受, 简答阐述理由就可以了。毕竟 part 1 的回答不需要过于冗长和太难。

3) Does shopping take you a lot of time?

No. I think I’m self-controlled, so I just spare part of my time on shopping, when I have to buy something like daily necessities. And also I’m a quick decision-maker. Therefore, shopping takes me little time.

解析:不喜欢购物的同学,可以参考范文给出的思路去进行解答,讲明买东西速度快,不犹 豫,不经常买。如果喜欢购物的同学,可以从挑选物品比较耗费时间上进行解释。

4) What’s the best part of shopping?

For me, it is the wonderful time with my friends. Because we are in different universities, we don’t have much time to stay together during the weeks. So, shopping time is the moment when we can have a reunion. It’s much cherished.

解析:此题思路比较广,可以从和朋友相处,能买到想要的东西,能试穿各种好看的衣服等 方面去解题。考试中,只需就其中一个方面加以阐述即可。

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