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英文阅读73——Revising old films digitally

2020-12-05 01:15:01

No ifs, no butts: how the film industry is digitally revising its history

若无改动,则无诟病: 电影工业如何以数字化的方式回溯调整历史


Hot on the heels of Cats’ digital dalliance with CGI nether regions comes another bum-related movie controversy: viewers have noticed some unsubtle changes to the mermaid romcom Splash as it appears on Disney+. There is a shot of Daryl Hannah diving into the sea, having just kissed a dumbstruck Tom Hanks. In the 1984 original, Hannah’s blond hair just about covers her naked bottom; in the new version, that hair has been digitally extended to cover her entire buttock area – and badly at that. It looks as if she is wearing a hairy skirt.

继电影版《猫》通过计算机成像技术处理演员的下半身(引发广泛诟病)后,接踵而来备受争议的是另一部与“屁股有关”的电影:观众们发现美人鱼的浪漫爱情片《现代美人鱼》在迪斯尼+上播映时有些显而易见的改动。 其中一幕达丽尔·汉纳吻别吓懵的汤姆· 汉克斯后便潜入大海。在 1984 年的原版中,汉纳的金发刚刚可以盖住她裸露的臀部; 新版本中,她的头发被计算机成像技术拉长,覆盖住了她整个臀部区域,视觉效果很差。看起来她就像穿了一条毛茸茸的短裙

A forgotten 80s comedy may not be the hill most cinephiles would choose to die on, but we should still be concerned. What else is being altered without our knowledge? Retrospective tweaking to movies has been going on for decades but in the digital age it has become easier than ever to cover your tracks. Disney, especially, has been guilty of this, what with all the politically incorrect skeletons in its closet.

一部被遗忘的 80 年代喜剧片可能还不是大多数影迷的脱粉之地,但我们仍应投以关注。在未知情之境,还有多少(影片)正被改动?电影的回顾性调整已推进了数十年,但在数字时代,掩饰痕迹变得分外容易。迪斯尼尤其有隐衷之过,因为所有的政治不正确皆被隐去。

You will not find the notorious Song of the South on Disney+ or the original, racist lyrics of Aladdin’s opening number. A sequence from the credits sequence of Toy Story 2 – where Stinky Pete propositions two Barbie dolls – has also been quietly removed. Elsewhere, Disney’s main concerns have been swearing, violence and particularly smoking.

你在流媒体平台迪斯尼+上将找不到声名狼藉的电影《南方之歌》,也找不到《阿拉丁》开场曲中带有种族主义色彩的原创歌词。《玩具总动员 2》的演职员中的一组镜头——臭皮特向两个芭比娃娃求欢的场景也已被悄悄删减。而在其他影片中,迪士尼主要关注的是脏话、暴力,尤其是吸烟的场景



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