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2020-12-05 09:10:01

Science Isn’t Always Perfect—But We Should Still Trust It

By Nakmi Oreskes

From vaccinations to climate change, we make decisions every day that implicate us in scientific claims. Are genetically modified crops safe to eat? Do childhood vaccinations cause autism? Is climate change an emergency? In recent years, many of these issues have become politically polarized, with people rejecting scientific evidence that misaligns with their political preferences. When Greta Thunberg, the youthful climate activist, testified in Congress last month, submitting as her testimony the IPCC 1.5C report, she was asked by one member why should we trust the science. She replied, incredulously, “because it’s science!”


一、 From vaccinations to climate change, we make decisions every day//that implicate us in scientific claims.

1.vaccination [vksnen] n. 接种疫苗;种痘

vaccinate v.接种疫苗

vaccine n.y疫苗

2.implicate v.使卷入;涉及;暗指;影响

用法:implicate ..in sth =be involved in 涉及,牵连,对..负责.

e.g.Senior officials were implicated in the scandal.


分析:that 做decison 的定语。


二、Are genetically modified crops safe to eat? Do childhood vaccinations cause autism? Is climate change an emergency?

1.genetically modified crops 转基因食物

2.autism n. 孤独症,自闭症;臆想



三、In recent years, many of these issues have become politically polarized, with people rejecting scientific evidence //that misaligns with their political preferences.

polarize v.两极化,截然对立polar adj. 极地的;两极的;正好相反的n. 极面;极线pole n.杆;极点;电极 北极 the North polemisalign v. 不重合,偏位,与..不一致misalign..with..与..不一致align vt. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配vi. 排列;排成一行 align with 与..对齐,与..一致,支持 align yoursefl with sb 公开支持.. e.g.Domestic prices have been aligned with those in world markets.


3.political preference 政治倾向

分析:with 复合结构,独立主格形式,做伴随状语。


四、When Greta Thunberg,( the youthful climate activist,) testified in Congress last month, submitting as her testimony the IPCC 1.5C report,// she was asked by one member why should we trust the science.She replied, incredulously, “because it’s science!”

testify vt. 证明,证实;作证 vi. 作证;证明testimony n. [法] 证词,证言;证据incredulously adv. 不相信地,怀疑地分析:when引导的时间状语从句 。




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