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黄文琪雅思口语Part1话题:Rainy days 细节描述

2020-12-05 21:35:01

1 It started to rain.Great drops beat onthe roof of the car. Dudley sniveled.开始下雨了。豆大的雨点落到车顶上。达力又抽抽噎噎哭鼻子了。

2 Raindrops the size ofbullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end;像子弹一样大的雨点噼噼啪啪地打在城堡的窗户上,好几天都没有停止。(下雨天)

3 returning to Gryffindor Tower, drenched to the skinand splattered with mud.返回格兰芬多的城堡。他全身都湿透了,沾满泥浆。(下雨天)4 As Harry squelched along the deserted corridorhe cameacross somebody who looked just as preoccupied as he was.哈利咕叽咕叽地走在空无一人的走廊上,突然看见一个和他一样心事重重的人。(walk细节,下雨天在潮湿的草地上或者在泥里走路的声音)

5 He was pale as smoke, and Harry could see right through him tothedark sky and torrential rain outside.他像一缕轻烟一样似有若无,哈利可以透过他的身体眺望外面黑暗的天空和倾盆大雨。(倾盆大雨)

6 Rain was still lashing the windows, which were now inkyblack, but inside all looked bright and cheerful.窗外仍然下着倾盆大雨,天已经黑得像墨汁一样,屋里却是明亮而欢快的。(下雨天)

7 As they edged nearer, Harry almost slipped - there was alarge puddle of water on the floor;他们小心翼翼地靠近,哈利差点儿滑了一跤——地上有一大摊水。(一滩水,摔跤)



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