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2020-12-05 21:35:01


澳大利亚黄金海岸,这片知名的假日游乐圣地位于澳大利亚的东部沿海,属于亚热带季风气候,终年阳光普照,空气湿润,明媚的阳光,连绵的白色海滩,展览透明的海水,浪漫的棕榈林都洋溢着浓浓的诗情画意,而黄金海岸的中心就是的冲浪者天堂,今天给大家带来的范文中, 很多描述景色的表达都可以放在各种旅游类,城市类的话题中,接下来就让我们来一起学习吧!

Describe a place you want to travel in the future.

You should say:

Where it would be

How you would like to go there

What you would do there

And explain why you would like to go there.


I really wanna go visit the gold coast, which is a coastal city in the Australian state of Queensland. The gold coast is Australia’s holiday capital. It’s the home of some fantastic range of attractions, beautiful beaches, shopping, dining, major events and even more! The best-kept secret is the picturesque mountain and rainforest region of the gold coast hinterland.

What was once considered a coastal village has transformed into a emerging global centre. It is a city that embraces new industries, boasts a “have a go” attitude and constantly goes above and beyond its potential. The gold coast is transforming into a world class city dedicated to business growth, job creation and diversification. The gold coast is perfectly positioned as a destination for all tourists. Australia’s gold coast is a surfing paradise, and is the undisputed tourist capital of Australia, with about three million people visiting the holiday city each year that rivals the most famous world resorts.


1. picturesque adj. 别致的,生动如画的

2. hinterland n. 内地,腹地

3. boast v. 自吹自擂,夸口说

4. dedicate v. 致力,奉献

5. undisputed adj. 无可争辩的,毫无疑问的




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