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双语阅读|Caught in a storm 一场难忘的暴风雨

2020-12-05 23:05:01

Black clouds gathered above us, but we were too intent on playing football. We hoped that the clouds would go away so that we could continue playing.


Our hopes were dashed when suddenly heavy rain began to pour. In a few seconds, we were all soaked to the skin. To make matters worse, lightning flashed dangerously close to us. The deafening thunder and howling wind did not help either.


soaked to the skin 淋透了; 浑身湿透;

We ran towards a large tree under which we had parked our bicycles. The tree provided some shelter from the rain and we were tempted to remain under it. However, we knew that it was dangerous to stay under a tree during a thunderstorm. So we got on our bicycles and pedaled off.


There was no other shelter available nearby. So I, for one, decided to go home. Since I was already completely wet, I might as well go home instead of seeking shelter.




It was just about the fiercest storm I had ever been in. The driving rain made cycling difficult as I could not see more than a couple of meters in front of me. A car flashed past me. It was too close for comfort. Perhaps the driver did not even see me. So I thought it was better to stop somewhere before I got hit by another car.


Luckily I found a bus-stop with a roof. I hurried gladly under the roof even though I had to share it with a dozen other people who were also soaked to the skin. It was a bit of a squeeze but no one complained.


For an hour the storm-lashed everything around us. We were silent spectators to an awesome display of power by nature. I felt very small and vulnerable, even afraid; but I could do nothing but watch.


vulnerable adj. (身体上或感情上) 脆弱的,易受…伤害的。

Finally, the rain slowed down to a drizzle and the wind died down. I could still hear distant thunder but the worst of the storm was over. So happy I got on my bicycle and pedaled home.




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