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英语词汇:卡车类型!平时见到这类车总是想不起来怎么 现在懂了

2020-12-06 12:55:01

English Vocabulary: Types of Trucks (with Pictures) 英语词汇:卡车类型(附图)

Improve your English vocabulary for types of trucks through examples and picture. A truck or lorry is a motor vehicle designed to transport cargo. 通过示例和图片提高您的卡车类型的英语词汇量。 卡车或卡车是用于运输货物的机动车辆。

Learn useful transportationvocabularyin English. 学习有用的英语交通词汇。

English Vocabulary for Types of Trucks卡车类型的英语词汇

Types of Trucksin English 英语中的卡车类型

Pickup 皮卡

– A man beside a pickuptruck was standing alongside the road, twirling a radio antenna. 一名男子站在一辆小货车旁,转动着无线电天线。

Tractor 拖拉机

– You must oil the tractorevery day. 你必须每天给拖拉机加油。

Tow truck 拖车

– What happened to the tow truck, Winston? 那辆拖车怎么了,温斯顿?

Fire engine 消防车

– When the fire enginearrived, the fire was blazing. 当消防车到达时,火正在燃烧。

Van 面包车

– The Mercedes began to gain on the van. 奔驰开始赶上面包车

Cement mixer 水泥搅拌机

– A cement mixeragitates the cement until it is ready to pour. 水泥搅拌机将水泥搅拌到可以倒出为止。

Tanker 油轮

– The tankertook on 200,000 barrels of crude oil. 这艘油轮装载了20万桶原油。

Tractor-trailer 牵引式挂车

– He drove the tractor-trailer. -他开着拖车。

Forklift 叉车

– My job requires skills, like driving a forklift, I haven’t got. 我的工作需要技能,比如开叉车,我没有。

Car transporter 汽车运输

– “Motorail” services carry cars and motorbikes using car transportersattached to the train. -“汽车轨道”服务使用连接在火车上的汽车运输车运送汽车和摩托车。

Types of Trucks | Picture 卡车类型| 图片



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