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2020-12-06 18:40:01

How to Make and Accept an Apology in English 如何用英语表达和接受道歉

Learn Different Expressions to Make and Accept an Apology in English. 学习不同的表达方式,用英语表达并接受道歉。

Making and Accepting an Apology 道歉并接受道歉

Making an Apology: Other Ways to Say Sorry in English 道歉:用英语说抱歉的其他方式

Excuse me for… 请原谅我…I apologize for… 我道歉……I beg your pardon. /Pardon. /Sorry. 请原谅。/原谅。/对不起。I do apologize for 非常抱歉I must apologize for… 我必须为…道歉。I shouldn’t have said that. Don’t be mad at me. 我不应该那样说。别生我的气。I shouldn’t have… 我不应该……I was wrong. Can you forgive me? 我错了。你能原谅我吗?I’d like to apologise for (not)… 我很抱歉(不能)……I’m (really/ terribly/ so) sorry for …I won’t do it again 很抱歉,我不会再这样做了I’m afraid … 我耽心…I’d like to apologize for… 我想为...道歉I’m ashamed of… 我很惭愧......I’m so sorry for… 我很抱歉......I’m terrible sorry for… 非常抱歉……It’s all my fault. 都是我的错。My apologies for… 我的道歉……Pardon me for being so rude. 请原谅我的粗鲁。Pardon me for this… 请原谅我……Please accept my apology for … 请接受我对……Please excuse my… 请原谅我…Please forgive me for… 请原谅我……Please, forgive me for my… 请原谅我的……Accepting an Apology 接受道歉

Don’t worry, you’re forgiven. 别担心,你被原谅了。No need to apologize, it’s ok. 不用道歉,没关系。That’s all right. 没关系。Never mind. 不要紧。Don’t apologize. 不要道歉。It doesn’t matter. 没关系。Don’t worry about it. 别担心。Don’t mention it. 别客气。That’s OK. 没关系。I quite understand. 我很理解。You couldn’t help it. 你没办法。Forget about it. 忘记它。No harm done. 没有人受到伤害。No worries. 不用担心。It’s fine. 它很好。Please don’t let it happen again. 请不要让这种事再次发生。You should be, but I forgive you. 你应该是,但我原谅你。No problem. 没有问题。That’s quite all right. 没关系。Think nothing of it. 别放在心上。It’s not important. 那并不重要。That’s all right. 没关系。It’s all fine. 一切都很好。I understand. 我明白了。How to Make and Accept an Apology in English | Image 如何用英文|表达并接受道歉



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