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心灵猎人 第一季

2020-12-07 04:10:01

心灵猎人 第一季 Mindhunter Season 1 (2017)

导演: 大卫·芬奇 / 安德鲁·道格拉斯 / 阿斯弗·卡帕迪尔 / 托比亚斯·林道赫姆编剧: 约翰·道格拉斯 / 乔·彭豪尔 / 马克·奥尔沙克 / 珍妮弗·海利 / 托比亚斯·林道赫姆 / 多米尼克·奥兰多 / 鲁比·雷·斯皮格尔 / 埃琳·利维 / 卡莉·雷主演: 乔纳森·格罗夫 / 霍特·麦克卡兰尼 / 安娜·托芙 / 汉娜·格罗斯 / 桑尼·瓦利森蒂 / 更多……类型: 剧情 / 惊悚 / 犯罪制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语首播: 2017-10-13(美国)集数: 10单集片长: 34–60分钟又名: 破案神探(港/台) / 读心神探 / 心理神探 / 心灵猎手 / Mind HunterIMDb链接: tt5290382

Two FBI agents, fighting the departmental stigma of backroom boys - those who try to complicate the status quo of simple Means, Motive, Opportunity (MMO) of crime-solving with academics - work to develop an innovative investigative field incorporating psychology, anthropology and sociology as a method to reveal the motive. They acknowledge classic crime-solving - MMO - as no longer sufficient because criminality is becoming more complicated as Motive graduates from need and greed to inexplicable and irrational reasons. They theorize applying deeper psychological evaluation will posit new questions. Simply, asking Why will lead to the Who. This series focuses on the development by two men, two agents, of a new criminal field and does so through story lines of visiting the sociopathic mind.




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