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2020-12-07 04:15:01

这篇文章是作者Ashley Norris在2018年1月8日发表在内容营销协会(内容营销协会-CMA是英国市场营销、出版、广告和社会机构的行业协会)上的一篇对内容营销2018年的行业推测,希望能对读者具备一定的参考价值。中英文对照版如下:

So we are into the second week of January 2018, andwhile your New Year’s Eve hangover ought to be a distant memory the resolutionsyou probably now regret making should just about still be intact.

Now then is as good a time as any to look forward towhat 2018 is likely to bring to the content marketing world.

As technology lovers will know this week sees LasVegas host the Consumer Electronics Show (CES),the biggest showcase of gadgets, goodies and generaltech on the planet. So we will look in more depth about how technology willchange content in the coming year after that event.

For now though here are ten predictions as to howthings will evolve in the coming twelve months.




1. Diversification of content channels


I think 2018 could see brands become more experimentalin the platforms they use. Questions about the future of Facebook and theeffectiveness of Snapchat could spark forays into Augmented Reality and VirtualReality, and a reconsideration of the merits of audio content sparked by thegrowth of the smart speaker market.


2. Brands as content companies


This has been a process which has been ongoing forseveral years now with the likes of Red Bull becoming known as much for thevideos they produce and their content-driven relationships, as for their coreproducts. I think 2018 will see some brands take up the slack possibly causedby the retrenchment of brands like BuzzFeed andVice Media – both of whom have undergone difficult times recently – and we may even see some companies develop contentportals that become profit centres.

这一过程已经持续了好几年,现在驱动红牛内容的制作,以及它们的核心产品,都已经被人们所熟知。我认为,2018年将会有一些品牌开始填补这一空缺,这可能是由于BuzzFeed1和Vice Media2等品牌内容的缩减造成的,而这两家公司最近都经历了困难时期——我们甚至可能会看到一些公司在开发内容门户以期成为利润中心。

3. Diversification of content teams


I think that 2018 will see brands take another look attheir content teams. Many are at the start of their journey having employed afew journalists, bloggers and social media experts. This year could see moreChief Content Officers arriving at UK brands, along with specialists in videoand image creatives to help fulfill the twin key requirements of strategy andvisual content.


4. Closer relationships with ecommerce


This is already happening in the wider publishingworld with companies like DennisPublishing developing car sales as a key part of its content offering, and BusinessInsider creating Insider Picksas an innovative way of attracting affiliate revenue.I have a feeling brands won’t be immune to this trend, and we will see morebrands experimenting with using content as the handmaiden of ecommerce.

这种情况已经发生在领域更广的出版领域,像丹尼斯出版公司就将汽车销售作为其内容供给的主要部分,而Business Insider将内部挑选作为一种可以吸引到联盟收入的创新方式。直觉告诉我,品牌营销不会倾向该趋势,我们将会看到更多的品牌愿意尝试使用电子商务作为内容营销的服务媒介。

5. Social issues come to the fore


Last year several brands begin to incorporate socialissues in to the content and the advertising they produced. Some did this in avery cliched and cack handed way, like Pepsi, but others have been more subtle in championinggender equality and sexual rights issues. I think we will see progressivebrands look to differentiate themselves from their rivals by becoming morevocal about social issues in 2018.


6. Changing relationships with Facebook


Facebook’s exec team is currently under a lot ofpressure as they seek to address criticism ranging from political manipulationthrough to online bullying and abuse. In a handful of countries the company issplitting feeds so that a person’s friends posts appear on the main feed and posts from otherorganisations appear in another. It is difficult to know quite which directionFacebook will head in 2018, but I wonder if the uncertainty will inspire somebrands to look to alternative ways of communicating those message via content.


7. Concerns about legislation


In May the EU will introduce the General Data Protection Regulation better known as GDPR which will impact on the way thatbrands harvest and manage data about their customers. That’s not be the end ofthe story as also being considered are ePrivacy changes which if enacted could change the processing ofany kind of tracking (e.g. cookies) in all digital businesses drastically. Itcould be a game changer for the global digital ad industry and the way thatbrands interact with consumers.


8. Quality of content is going to be central


I think 2018 could be the year in which the quality ofthe content that brands produce becomes their key priority rather than thequantity. The standard of the winners at the CMA awards reflects this, and in a world where so much content is competingfor consumer eyeballs, this is set to continue into 2018 and beyond. It maymean less content and instead a concentration on higher ticket more immersiveeditorial like longer posts, extended video and podcasts.


9. ICOs will come to content marketing


Initial CoinOfferings (ICOs) arethe big new thing in startup finance and I think that content marketers willbecome familiar with them in 2018 for two reasons. Firstly, one of the key waysthat ICOs are successful is that companies that are attempting to raise moneyin this way require quality content. And in the same way that great contentpowers crowdfunded campaigns, so they will with ICOs. Secondly, we will seesome content startups use ICOs to rise money, perhaps changing the waythat media companies and agencies begin and develop.


10. Personalisation of content


The jury is still out on the role of bots incontent marketing, but 2018 is bound to see more companies experimentwith them, and also harness Artificial Intelligence to predict reader responsesand serve them with appropriate content.


Ashley Norris, Consultant Editor, The CMA

Posted in CMA Industry News

备注1:BuzzFeed是一个美国的新闻聚合网站,2006年由乔纳·佩雷蒂(Jonah Peretti)创建于美国纽约,致力于从数百个新闻博客那里获取订阅源,通过搜索、发送信息链接,为用户浏览当天网上的最热门事件提供方便,被称为是媒体行业的颠覆者。【百度百科】

备注2:Vice Media是一家北美数字媒体和广播公司。来自蒙特利尔副杂志创办的Suroosh艾尔维,肖恩·史密斯和Gavin麦克因尼斯(他在2008年离开了公司), 扩大主要为青年和年轻adult-focused数字媒体,包括在线内容垂直和相关web系列、新闻部门副新闻、电影制作工作室,唱片公司以及其他属性。2015年,Vice传媒被称为“新媒体成功的典范”——尤其是在吸引有价值的千禧一代观众的时候。【维基百科】



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