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2020-12-07 21:00:01

Sofia 手里拿着一迭卡,兴致勃勃地走向 Bob……

Sofia: Bob, would you like to know your future? I just learned how to read tarot cards.Sofia:Bob,你想要知道你的未来吗?我刚刚学会算塔罗牌。Bob: Well, I’ve never tried it before, but I guess it’ll be fun.Bob:我从没试过,我想应该会很有趣。Sofia: Great, let’s see if I can readyour fortune.Sofia:太好啦,来试试我能不能帮你算命。Bob: Where is your crystal ball then?Bob:那你的水晶球在哪?Sofia: I don’t need a crystal ball, all I need is a deck of tarot cards!Sofia:我不需要水晶球,我只需要一副塔罗牌。Bob: Oh… I thought all fortune-tellershave a crystal ball.Bob:噢…我以为所有算命师都有一颗水晶球。Sofia: Hahaha! No, not necessarily. Let me shuffle the cards first…Sofia:哈哈哈!没有啦,不一定。先让我洗牌…

read sb.’s fortune (phr.) 替某人算命

forture 这个字为名词,意思是「运势;财富」,而替人算命的动词则搭配动词 read。

Sofia read her friend’s fortune using tarot cards.Sofia 透过塔罗牌替她朋友算命。

fortune-teller 算命师

fortune-teller 指的是「算命师」,fortune-telling 则是名词,表示「算命」这个动作。

Fortune-tellers make a living by reading fortunes.算命师靠算命维生。

shuffle (v.) 洗牌

在本文中,shuffle 指的是「洗牌」,也可以指「随机播放」,然而 shuffle 原本是指「把…挪来挪去」,而「洗牌」也是把牌挪来挪去,是不是很好记呢?

The dealer shuffled the cards.庄家洗牌。My hamster loves shuffling his food.我的仓鼠喜欢把食物挪来挪去。

所以 Bob 的运势如何呢?

Sofia: What would you like to know about your future?Sofia:你想知道未来的哪方面?Bob: (pondering) I’d like to know if I’ll find a girlfriend this year!Bob:(思考) 我想知道我今年交不交得到女朋友!Sofia: (Picks a card) Oh…Sofia:(抽一张牌) 噢……Bob: What!?Bob:怎么了!?Sofia: It seems that you’re going to meet someone and fall in love with that person pretty quickly, but it wouldn’t be a smooth relationship.Sofia:看来你很快就会遇到某个人并且和那个人陷入恋爱,但那不会是一段平稳的恋情。Bob: I suppose nobody can expect their first romance to be totally smooth.Bob:我想第一段感情也不太可能会多容易。Sofia: But you’re going to learn a lot from it. What else would you like to know?Sofia:但你会从中学到很多。你还想知道什么吗?Bob: I want to know if I will make a fortunein the future.Bob:我想知道我未来会不会赚大钱。Sofia: (Pick a card) Bob, you got to buy a lottery ticket right away!Sofia:(抽出一张卡) Bob,你一定要立刻买一张彩票!Bob: Why? Does that mean I’m going to hit the jackpot!?Bob:为什么?是不是代表我要中大奖了!?Sofia: Yes… I predict that you’re going to win… 100 CNY!!Sofia:对…我预测你会中一百块!!

make a fortune (phr.) 赚大钱

fortune 除了在上一节讲的可以拿来指「运势」 ,亦可以用来指「财富」,因此 make a fortune 指的即是「赚大钱;发大财」。

Sally made a fortune selling her paintings.Sally 卖她的画作赚了一大笔钱。

hit the jackpot (phr.) 中大奖

jackpot 为名词,中文意思是「头奖」,hit the jackpot 指的即是「中大奖」,尤其用来指「突然迅速赚进一大笔钱;获得意外之财」。另外提醒大家,hit 的过去式和过去分词依旧是 hit 哦!

Tommy spent the rest of his life traveling around the world after he hit the jackpot.Tommy 中大奖后开始环游世界。

predict (v.) 预测

predict 的中文为「预测;预知」,如:predict the future (预知未来)。

Experts predict that the pandemic will ebb in the following months.人们预知疫情将于接下来几个月趋缓。




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