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致在长外国朋友的一封信 To Foreign Friends in Changsha

2020-12-08 02:40:01


To Foreign Friends in Changsha

Due to the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Hunan Province and Changsha City have activated level I emergency response for public health event. For your health, we hereby recommend:

I. Follow official information release. Follow "Changsha Fabu"(长沙发布) and other official wechat accounts for the epidemic update, the list of designated hospitals in Changsha, and prevention and treatment guide. If you have any questions, please call 24-hour line of Changsha Center of Disease Control and Prevention: 0731-84792176.

II. Strengthen prevention and self-protection. Maintain good hygiene by washing hands often with soap or alcohol-based sanitizer. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue or your elbow while coughing or sneezing. Open the windows for proper ventilation and keep your rooms clean. Avoid close contact with any wild animals or birds. Eggs and meat must be thoroughly cooked before consumption.

III. Minimize outdoor activities. Avoid crowded places, parties and group activities. Correctly wear a mask (better surgical mask) when you go out. If you have mild to severe respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, breathing difficulty or fatigue, please go to a designated hospital with a mask on.

IV. Join in mass prevention and control efforts. If you have visited Wuhan or other high-incidence areas, or contacted with people from those areas, please closely observe your health condition, stay at home and timely report to local disease control authorities or the person in charge of foreign affairs in your organization. Please cooperate with government or community personnel or medical staff if they inquire about your condition.

Thanks for your support to the coronavirus control and prevention. Let’s join hands to tide over the difficulties and win the battle of the prevention and control of coronavirus.

Wish you good health and happiness.

Foreign Affairs Office of Changsha Municipal People’s Government

January 27th, 2020












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