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2020-12-08 05:15:01


春节 Chinese New Year’s Day /Chinese Lunar New Year / the Spring Festival;除夕 New Year’s Eve;正月 lunar January

初一 the beginning of New Year;元宵节 the Lantern Festival

春龙节 the Dragon-head-raising Festival (龙抬头);寒食节 the Cold Food Festival

清明节 Tomb Sweeping Day;端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival (龙舟节)

七夕节 the Magpie Festival / Double Seventh Day (中国情人节);中元节 the Hungry Ghost Festival;中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Festival

重阳节 the Double Ninth Festival ;腊八节 the Laba Festival;泼水节 the Water-Splashing Day;剪纸 paper cutting;书法 calligraphy

对联 couplets;红双喜 double happiness;小吃摊 Snack Bar / Snack Stand;元宵 sweet rice dumpling

火锅 hot pot;春卷 spring roll(s);莲藕 lotus root;北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck;馄饨 wonton

花卷 steamed twisted rolls;羊肉泡馍 pita bread soaked in lamb soup;冰糖葫芦 a stick of sugar-coated haws;八宝饭 eight-treasure rice pudding;粉丝 glass noodles

豆腐脑 jellied bean curd;东坡肉 Dongpo Pork;咸水鸭 boiled salted duck

鸭血粉丝汤 duck blood and silk noodles soup;长城 The Great Wall;故宫博物院 The Palace Museum;天坛 The Temple of Heaven

敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Caves;兵马俑 Cotta Warriors / Terracotta Army;《诗经》 The Book of Songs

《史记》 Historical Records / Records of the Grand Historian;《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions;《西游记》The Journey to the West;孔子 Confucius

孟子 Mencius;京剧 Beijing Opera / Peking Opera;黄梅戏 Huangmei Opera;秦腔 Crying of Qin People / Qin Opera;太极拳 TaiChi

文房四宝 (笔墨纸砚) the Four Treasure of the Study / Brush, Inkstick, Paper,and Inkstone;宣纸 rice paper;相声 cross-talk / comic dialogue;木偶戏 puppet show

小品 witty skits;武术 Wushu / Chinese Martial Arts;中庸 the way of medium / golden means;火药 gunpowder;指南针 compass




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