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2020-12-08 22:20:01

Phrasal Verbs with CHECK (with Meaning and Examples) 英语中带有CHECK的短语动词含义和例子

Frequenly used phrasal verbs with CHECK in English. 经常使用CHECK英文短语动词。

Check by

Meaning: Visit a place to check something 去一个地方检查一些东西Example: We checked by the office to see if the stuff was ready. 我们到办公室检查了一下,看看东西是否准备好了。Check out

Meaning: Confirm and pay for goods and services at a facility when leaving 离开时确认并支付设施的货物和服务费用Example: I’m done shopping, so I’ll go check out now. 我已经完成购物了,所以我现在就去看看吧。Check out

Meaning: Withdraw (an item), as from a library, and have the withdrawal recorded 提取(物品),如从图书馆中提取,并将提取记录下来Example: He checked his favorite mystery out for the twenty-third time. 他第23次检查了他最喜欢的谜题。Check out

Meaning: Record (someone) as leaving the premises or as taking something therefrom, as from a library or shop 记录(某人)离开或拿走某物,如从图书馆或商店Example: The library assistant was checking people out. 图书馆助理在给人结账。Check out

Meaning: Examine, inspect, look at closely, ogle; to investigate 仔细观察,仔细观察,注视;调查Example: He checkedout the rumor, and managed to verify that it was true. 他核实了谣言,并设法证实了它的真实性。Check out

Meaning: Prove (after an investigation) to be the case / in order 经过调查后证明情况属实Example: The first two leads check out; I’ll assume the third one is also valid. 前两个引线检出;我假设第三个也是有效的。Check up

Meaning: Verify through brief investigation or examination 通过简单的调查或检查来验证Example: I dropped by to check up on my friend. 我顺便来看看我的朋友。Check up on

Meaning: Examine or inspect something in order to determine its condition 检查或检查某物以确定其状况Example: I will check up on the car tomorrow. 我明天去检查一下汽车。Check in

Meaning: Register on arriving at a hotel or at the airport 登记入住酒店或机场Example: They checked in at the Ritz yesterday. 他们昨天在丽兹酒店办理了登机手续。Check on

Meaning: look at someone or something so that you are certain they are safe, satisfactory etc. 看着某人或某事,让你确信他们是安全的、令人满意的等等。Example: I sent Tom to check on the kids. 我派汤姆去看看孩子们。Useful phrasal verbs with CHECK. CHECK有用的短语动词。



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